Reproductive Problems: What Happens in Men with Klinefelter Syndrome


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Presentation transcript:

Reproductive Problems: What Happens in Men with Klinefelter Syndrome

Some people suffer from reproductive problems; that’s an unfortunate fact of life. One reason guys may pay extra attention to their male organ health is to avoid the development of issues that might impact their success with a potential partner. But sometimes there can be problems that are a bit beyond their control. For example, if a man is born with the condition known as Klinefelter syndrome, he is likely to experience some degree of difficulty, although the extent can vary.

Learning about Klinefelter syndrome Harry Fitch Klinefelter was an endocrinologist who in the 1940s discovered the condition that is named after him. To understand Klinefelter syndrome, it’s necessary to know that women are born with two “X” chromosomes (XX) and men are born with one “X” and one “Y” (XY). (A chromosome is a DNA molecule carrying genetic material.) But in some rare instances, a man may be born with both two “X” chromosome and one Y” chromosome (XXY) – or even more rarely with more than 2 “X” chromosomes. When either of these situations occur, the man is said to have Klinefelter syndrome. Some people assume that because the man has XXY chromosomes, that he is a hermaphrodite – someone with reproductive organs of both genders. This is not the case.

Signs and symptoms As mentioned, there can be some variation in how Klinefelter presents, but in general, these are typical signs and symptoms associated with the condition: - They are often taller than other males. - Often they will have either a skinny, lanky body type or a more rounded body type. In the latter case, gynecomastia (increased breast tissue) is often present. - Muscle control and coordination are often affected. - Their bones may be weaker than other males of their age, and they may sport less body hair. - Often, they are either infertile or have reduced fertility. - Typically, their organs are significantly smaller than those of other men.

The fertility issue and the smaller size of the organ is primarily related to the fact that men with Klinefelter syndrome typically produce much less male hormone. This is what can cause the reproductive problems alluded to earlier.

Reproductive problems Clearly, fertility concerns count as a reproductive problem, especially if a man wishes to have children or is in a relationship with a partner who wishes to bear children. In addition, many men with small organs feel self-conscious about this fact, and this can create self-esteem issues that can also impede performance in some men. But lower hormone levels also generally means that one’s drive is not as active as it would otherwise be. Not only can this lead to less of a desire for intimacy; it can also in some cases create male dysfunction issues.

Treatment There’s not a “cure” for Klinefelter, but some treatments are available. Typically, hormone therapy can be useful, especially when begun during adolescence. There also have been numerous success cases of pregnancy by in vitro fertilization. Men in whom the extra breast tissue is extreme may want to consider surgical procedures if it causes them distress. Working closely with an experienced doctor can make a big difference for many men with this condition.

Whether one has Klinefelter syndrome and reproductive problems or is considered typical, it still pays to spend time maintaining one’s precious male organ health. One way to do this is to daily apply a top notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For best results, select a crème that includes a wide range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E, all of which can benefit the manhood. It also helps to find a crème with L- arginine, an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide production and thereby keep the blood vessels healthier.male organ health creme