As we know that, it's best to keep your gas tank 1/4 full, but the drivers occasionally lower their gas that can trigger the low fuel warning lights.
If you are driving your car with an empty gas tank, then it will definitely make your car getting stuck on the side of the road.
Before running your car on an empty tank, it's worth to know how many miles you can actually drive after the lights come on.
It also very essential to know, in which condition your car will stake when your gas tank run to near depletion
Here the following points define the damages that will occur in your car due to the low fuel mileage.
Low fuel warning lights
The possibility of driving an empty gas tank is getting stuck on the road which is not the only hassle but also creates dangerous situations.
If you drive your car out of gas, then it will damage your catalytic converter that may need immediate repair or replacement.
Having the low amount of fuel in the tank can damage the fuel pump because of the debris or contaminates in the gas sent through your empty fuel tank.
If you are driving your car first time with a low fuel tank warning light, it will not affect your car, but it will seem to be a harmful practice to do regularly.
Distance to empty gauge
Now the modern cars have a distance to empty gauge on the instrument cluster which can provide an approximation of the miles can be driven.
Many people prefer the feature of low fuel warning lights and figuring out the gauge to run their car out of gas.
The rough approximation of empty gauge based on the average mileage that you have to attain while driving your car.
Thus, the gauge provides only a fairly accurate approximation of miles, but it shouldn't be used to find out the exact miles remaining in the tank.
How far you will drive your car with an empty tank can only depend on your car, driving habits and the condition of the road.
The warning lights of the low fuel tank is triggered based on the distance to the empty calculator of remaining miles.
By figuring out the miles on your empty tank is a good way to prepare yourself for avoiding the unnecessary breakdowns.
If you notice that you are reaching the empty level in your car, then perform the inspection as soon as possible.