Menier's Disease is a kind of Disorder in the inner ear though which you may have the problem like spinning, Ringing in the ear, Hearing loss, or may have the feeling of pressure in the ear. Source: Hearing SolutionHearing Solution
Meniere's Disease Disorder in the inner ear which causes :- 1.Tinnitus,Tinnitus 2.Hearing loss,Hearing loss 3.Vertigo.Vertigo In 1861 Scientist “Prosper Meniere” told the world about this illness.
Stages of Meniere's Early Stage : Sudden and Unpredictable attacks of vertigo which may feel you as unbalanced like spinning or moving. It Causes - Nausea, Vomiting and Dizziness.Dizziness You may even suffers with the problem of Hearing loss, Tinnitus. At this stage the attack is for mins, but it can go for 2-3 hours In this the aattack of the Vertigo are known as the Sporadic attacks.
Middle Stage : At this stage you may suffer with the tinnitus and the hearing loss problem. The attack of Vertigo Continues, the episodes itself becomes less severe. You can go through the permanent Hearing loss in this stage. Last Stage : Attacks of Vertigo Completely vanish away and there is increase in the Hearing loss Problem. Yuu may also suffer with the balance disorder problem and unable to stand in the dark. Both of the ears will be effected if the attack will continue for a long time. 40% of the people Experienced the effect in both the ears.
Causes of Meniere's Researchers are still searching for the main cause of Meniere's. Infections and viral Infection are the root cause of this disease. Causes due to unusual amount of fluid in the ear. Hydrops is also considered as the root cause. Hydrops is the pressure in the fluid in the inner ear.
Symptoms of Meniere's Hearing loss, Mental discrimination, Poor Physical Coordination, Tinnitus, Dizziness, Vision problems, Extreme Fatigue, Nausea.
Diagnosis the Meniere's There is no single test available to make the Daignosis of the Meniere's disease. One of the most important aspect of diagnostic process is a complete history, which include the detailed description of the pattern of the disease presentation, supported by quantitative testing. The most recent defination of the disease has been established by the (AAO-HNS).
Ways to manage Meniere's Manage Stress, Sound and music therapy, Breathing Exercise, Group Support, Massage, Acupuncture. Acupuncture
Treatments for Meniere's Normal Treatments:- 1.80% responds to salt restriction and diuretics. 2.Vestibular suppressants 3.Corticosteroids orally or intratympanically 4.Intratympanic Gentamicin (Chemical Labyrinthectomy) Surgical Treatments:- 1.Endolymphatic sac decompression (ESD) 2.Cutting the Vestibular division of CN VII, sparing the auditory division 3.Labyrinthectomy- vertigo improves, but hearing is loss.
Exercise for Minere's Vestibular Eye Exercises:- This exercise involves the Movemet of head and eye. Method to do exercise - Sit on a chair with face lied up on the floor. Move your eyes upwards as well as in the downward position. Place finger three feet away from the face and start focusing on it. Move your finger from three feet to the one foot by keeping focus on it. Speed up the exercise.
Seated Vestibular head and Shoulder Exercise:- This Exercise may help the person going through the Meniere's disease. Method to do Exercise - Sit Vertically in a chair. Tilt your chin down towards your chest, then tilt it towards the ceiling slowly. Move your head towards each shoulder, as with the tilting exercise.
Precautions It is Necessary to take precautions for the Meniere's disease Precautions During an Attack - Lei down or sit whenever you Experience the Symptoms of Vertigo. Don't drive Vehicle or climb stairs. Don't operate heavy machinery or other potentially dangerous equipment dduring an Episode.
Is there a cure for menire's disease You have to remove the disease from the root cause if you want to cure from the disease. If we talk about the Cure for the Meniere's disease than currently there are no cure and treatments. Some Treatments are there which helps to manage and reduce the episode of the Disease.
Diet and Nutrition for Meniere's Disease Eliminate the substance that cause the body to retain water. Introducing more Diuretics to reduce fluid volumes in the body. Limit the Harmful Substances that Constrict blood flow. Limits the Dietry Supplements and common Substances that make the Symptoms of the Meniere disease worse.
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