What are the Methods to Remove the Exhaust Manifold Studs of your Car?
Removing the exhaust manifold studs of your car can be very difficult when the engine temperature increases extremely.
The rust and the corrosions can also fuse the exhaust manifold studs of your car to its engine block.
Whether you want to replace the manifold studs of your car or to get other parts inside your engine, the bolts must come out of it.
If you find out that the exhaust manifold studs of your car are stuck, then try the following steps to get them off.
Hammer time
Sometimes the exhaust manifold studs of your car need a little bit of coaxing with a hammer to remove it.
The jolts of the hammer have enough capacity to break the seal of the stud in which the rust has created between the bolts and the engine block.
Make sure that you are not hitting the exhaust manifold studs of your car too hard because it may be bend or break them.
By using a cheater bar with the stuck bolts is the simplest way to remove the exhaust manifold studs.
You can just add a length of iron pipe to the wrench or ratchet that will give the leverage for an extra bit of torque.
Longer handle wrenches produce more torque to loosen the studs. Notice the pipe doesn't slip off the end of the wrench when the exhaust manifold bolts begin to move.
Lubricated with silicon
The silicon lubricates spray works together for loosening the bolts which have been seized by the rust and the corrosion.
Try to use a directional straw or nozzle to ensure that the lubricant placed between the exhaust manifold stud and the engine block.
Leave the silicon lubricant at the exhaust manifold studs overnight for getting the best results.
Heating the blocks
If you unable to lose the bolts inside the engine block, then try to lose the engine block around the bolts.
To get the engine block use a handheld torch around the exhaust manifold stud and give a wiggle room for the bolt to expand the stud heat.
For removing the bolt, you will need to work very fast before the heat transfers from the engine block to the bolt and repeat the process for next bolt.
Ice and fire
Through block heating methods, you can remove it very fastly by heating and cool the exhaust manifold bolt.
Use a torch on the bolt head, without changing the shape get the stud hot and then use a pair of tongs to holds the ice cube on the heated bolt.
When the first ice cube has melted, hold the second cube for a minute. The temperature changes in the manifold bolts will break the seal.
Removing the exhaust manifold stud of your car are not at all too difficult by following the above-defined methods.
If you are unable to remove the exhaust manifold stud of your car, then consult with a reputed mechanic to do it for you.