APOL 104 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com


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Presentation transcript:

APOL 104 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com

APOL 104 Module 1 Discussion Board 1 For more classes visit Why is it important to know what you believe and why you believe it? (at least 50 words) Briefly identify what YOU believe, at this point in your life, about God, the Bible and Jesus Christ with a brief explanation as to WHY you believe as you do. (each of these should be addressed separately, and you can use separate paragraphs if needed - at least 50 words)

APOL 104 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com APOL 104 Module 3 World View Assignment For more classes visit Part One (25-50 words): Answer the question, What is a worldview? Define what the term “worldview” means. Use at least one descriptive phrase or illustration to support your definition. Here you are simply giving a workable definition of “worldview.” “Descriptive phrases” are given in the video (like “lens” and “framework” etc.) If you cite the video, which is fine, be sure you do so correctly according to APA.

APOL 104 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com APOL 104 Module 6 Critical Thinking Assignment For more classes visit Part One: (at least 250 words) Select ONLY ONE of the worldviews (Secular Humanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam) that have been considered in the course content. Using your assigned sources (textbooks, PDFs, Videos, etc) and at least one source outside of the assigned ones, complete the following- How would the worldview that you selected answer: - The Question of Origin -

APOL 104 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com