Customizing Auto Comp Criteria
You can select highly specific criteria on which to base your Auto Comp searches, so you can receive the types of properties that match your comp search needs.
For example, you can enter a subject property and then search for all properties with the same number of bedrooms, approximately the same square footage, built within 10 years of your subject property in the same school district, with an assessed value within 20%...whatever suits your requirements.
Click on the Auto Comp button under the General criteria heading on the initial search screen to receive an Auto Comp Entry box. Customizing Auto Comp CriteriaStep 1
Customizing Auto Comp CriteriaStep 2 Enter an address on the Subject Address line. In this case, 15 Maple has been entered.
Customizing Auto Comp CriteriaStep 3 Click on the Ellipses button to the right of to the "Auto Comp" space in the Auto Comp entry box. You will receive a window where you can create a custom format for your comp searches. The example below displays the default settings for Auto Comp searches: Click on the Ellipses button to the right of to the "Auto Comp" space in the Auto Comp entry box. You will receive a window where you can create a custom format for your comp searches. The example below displays the default settings for Auto Comp searches: Default Criteria
TO CUSTOMIZE CRITERIA: This Auto Comp window allows you to customize what information you want to base your Auto Comp search on. The "Available Fields" window indicates all property, site, client and financial criteria that you can select. This Auto Comp window allows you to customize what information you want to base your Auto Comp search on. The "Available Fields" window indicates all property, site, client and financial criteria that you can select.
To add a SINGLE CRITERIA (such as number of bedrooms) to your search criteria, highlight that line in the "Available Fields" window and click on > or double- click on that line. That criteria will appear in the "Selected Fields" window. This selection will now be part of the criteria used to find properties comparable to your subject property. In this example, the "number of bedrooms" line has been highlighted in the available fields window.
By double clicking on the line, it will appear in the selected fields window. Number of bedrooms will now be part of the criteria used to find comparable properties on your searches. By double clicking on the line, it will appear in the selected fields window. Number of bedrooms will now be part of the criteria used to find comparable properties on your searches.
To include ALL CRITERIA from the "Available Fields" window in your report, click on >>. All the criteria from "Available Fields" window will appear in the "Selected Fields" window. To include ALL CRITERIA from the "Available Fields" window in your report, click on >>. All the criteria from "Available Fields" window will appear in the "Selected Fields" window. To delete a SINGLE CRITERIA from the "Selected Fields" window, click on the line you would like deleted to highlight it and then click on <. To delete a SINGLE CRITERIA from the "Selected Fields" window, click on the line you would like deleted to highlight it and then click on <. To delete ALL CRITERIA from the "Selected Fields" window, click on <<. All the previously selected criteria will be deleted from the "Selected Fields" window. To delete ALL CRITERIA from the "Selected Fields" window, click on <<. All the previously selected criteria will be deleted from the "Selected Fields" window.
In this example, the user has selected the following criteria for the auto comp search: number of units, sq. ft. total, year built, sale date, and zip code.
Once you have created a new Auto Comp format, type in a file name, description of the format, and title in the Auto Comp Editor screen. Click on OK (save auto comp). The new format, the default format, and all previously saved Auto Comp formats can be found by clicking on the arrow next to the "Auto Comp" space on the Auto Comp Select box. Select a format by clicking on the format of your choice from the list.
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