BSS 482 Innovative Education--
BSS 482 Week 1 Sectors & Partnerships Paper For more classes visit Review the “Sector Overviews” and “Partnerships” sections of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Critical Infrastructure Resource Center.Critical Infrastructure Resource Center Select a critical infrastructure sector that interests you and imagine that you are working in a position in this sector. Write a 750- to 1050-word paper based on the job position and critical infrastructure sector you selected.
BSS 482 Innovative Education-- BSS 482 Week 3 Attacks and Counterstrategy For more classes visit Part I: Role of the Malicious Actor Your supervisor asks you to write a report in which you imagine that you are a malicious actor interested in exploiting or harming U.S. critical infrastructure. Identify two critical infrastructure sectors you will attack, your motives for attacking and exploiting the sectors, the sectors’ potential vulnerabilities, and the approaches you will take to exploit the vulnerabilities in the following table.
BSS 482 Innovative Education-- BSS 482 Week 4 Critical Infrastructure and National Planning For more classes visit Select a recent annual plenary meeting report of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council (CIPAC). councilhttp:// council Write a 700- to 1050-word paper based on the selected CIPAC annual plenary meeting report. Include the following in your paper:
BSS 482 Innovative Education-- BSS 482 Week 5 Border and Transportation Security For more classes visit Write a 1,450- to 2,100-word research paper on border and transportation security systems. Include the following in your paper: An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses in border and transportation security. Include both physical systems and cybersystems in your analysis. An explanation of the best practices for improving border and transportation security systems. Include practices for both physical systems and cybersystems.
BSS 482 Innovative Education--