BUSI 610 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com


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Presentation transcript:

BUSI 610 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com

BUSI 610 Week 1 Quiz 1 For more classes visit Organizations are static. The study of organizational behavior is: Which of the following is a contingency rather than a structural dimension of an organization? Which of the following integrates diverse organizational activities by looking at various organizational stakeholders and what they want from the organization?

BUSI 610 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com BUSI 610 Week 3 Quiz 2 For more classes visit As part of the “green movement,” Nike began making shoes with recycled materials and eco-friendly glues. The big oil company Valero is using windmills to run its refineries more efficiently and produce petroleum-based fuels more easily. These examples belong to which sector of the general environment? Which of the following is a proper dimension of the framework for assessing environmental uncertainty? Rather than establish buffer departments, a newer approach in many organizations is to drop the buffers and expose the technical core to its uncertain environment.

BUSI 610 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com BUSI 610 Week 5 Quiz 3 For more classes visit A baseball team is an example of pooled interdependence. Direct interaction between customer and employee is generally very high with services, while there is little direct interaction between customers and employees in the technical core of a manufacturing firm. Engineering technologies tend to be low in analyzability and high in variety.

BUSI 610 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com BUSI 610 Week 7 Quiz 4 For more classes visit What type of culture exists in a stable environment with an external strategic focus? When interpreting culture, one of the important observable aspects of the culture would be rites and ceremonies such as the rite of passage. The culture encouraging risk taking, change, and improvement is a value of a learning organization with a strong adaptive culture. Which of the following is an example of the rite of integration in corporate culture?

BUSI 610 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com