Los Angeles Mission College Budget reports Administrative Services Sr. Accountant Jerry Huang 2010
Los Angeles Mission College Logon to your SAP GUI In your SAP Easy Access screen, double click on LACCD Reports also known as ZLAC If you dont have LACCD-Reports as a favorite in your screen, you can create one by clicking once on Favorites which locates on top of the SAP Easy Access screen and choose insert transaction A small strip window will pop up and type ZLAC in the strip window and press Enter. LACCD Reports will appear as your favorites on your SAP Easy Access screen Double click on LACCD-reports and you will see a report with branches with a + sign Examples in next few slides
Type ZLAC here and press Enter Each person has different screen set up. You may not have the folders I have shown on this screen.
LACCD-Reports shows up. Double click this node and you will see a tree- like menu like the one in next side
You can expand this tree-like menu by clicking + sign. For budget report, you click on the + in front of Funds Management. In Funds Management. You can click on Master data, Detail and Summary. Your screen will look like the one in next slide Click the white arrow to go back to previous screen.
Click Financial Report by Fund under Summary for your budget report If you oversee several departments or many programs and you want to see how much was spent in their supplies account, , you double click Financial Report by Major and Sub Major Object under Summary for your report Well show some examples in the next few slides. First, we double click Financial Report by Fund and we will see a screen like the one in next slide.
Type the program # here and you can see the budget report of You can type *M* in Funds Center. M is Mission College and * means a wild card which tells SAP that you are querying all funds center related with Mission College within program You can leave this commitment item blank and the system will retrieve your report with budget of every GL ( commitment item ) line item Type fiscal year and period here. Period 1 is July, 2 is August and so on. Period 13 to 16 are periods for district to key any year end adjustment. If you want to see your budget up to date, you can type period 1 to period 16. However, if you want to see August only, you can type period 2 to period 2. Version is always zero. Type the fiscal year here. Sometimes you do not not see this option because your computer screen is small. You will need to scroll down more to see this option.
In this example, I want to see the budget report in program in fiscal year 2009 After filling out all options, click at the execute clock with green check mark The report will look like the one in next slide
Your report will look like this; Your budget, commitment, Actual and Balance. Budget – Commitment – Actual = Balance Budget is how much you plan, Commitment is how much you set aside for any particular item(s) you plan to buy, Actual is the actual expenditure you have incurred and Balance is the budget left over for you to spend
Assume you want to see how much the employee benefits spent in program in the month of September which is period 3 in fiscal year NOTE: The Commitment ( GL ) item of Employee benefits is always for all SFPs. For General fund, the Employee benefits will be
September 1, 2008 – September 30, this is a calendar year Our fiscal year 2009 starts from July, 2008 to June, 2009.
Assume you want to see all funds between and consecutively, you type to Now assume that you want to see every funds between and except and see next slide
Now assume that you want to see every funds between and except and You click the yellow right arrow and a small pop- up screen will show up Choose the tab with red dot Type the funds that you want it to be excluded from your report Once you are done, click at this execute clock with green check mark Once everything is filled out, click this execute clock and the system will generate your budget report.
Now you want to see fund and only. You can not type to here because it will give you a report from to Click on the right yellow arrow and small screen will pop up. Choose the tab with green dot and type two funds # here, and SAP will generate a budget report of and 20488, see next slide
If you want to see a budget report of all departments ( # is not consecutive # ), you will need to type in each cost center manually. It is cumbersome that you need to type every cost center each time you want to retrieve the same report. This demonstration shows you how to customize your own criteria so you dont need to type each individual cost center every time. However, you DO need to change Fiscal Year if you are in a different fiscal year This method works best only if your fund # does not change every fiscal year. So lets get started. After filling out all cost centers. Click on the execute clock. Next slide
On top of the SAP screen, click on Goto and choose Variants and then Save as Variant.. If Color of this right yellow arrow is GREEN, it means there is other information other than this number.
Give it a name and type something that is meaningful to you. And click SAVE icon that looks like a floppy disk.
After you save your variant, youll be back to this screen.. A message will show up on the bottom of left side of your SAP screen telling you that your variant has been saved as …..
This example shows you how to retrieve Variant that you previously saved. On top of the SAP screen, click on Goto and choose Variants and then Get. Once you click Get, a small window will pop up just like the one on the left. If you dont see your employee number, type it in the strip called Created by. Click on the execute clock of this small window
A list of variants will pop up. Select the one you are looking for. Highlight it and click the green check mark of this strip. Remember the variant we created is in fy 2010 and assume we are currently in fy 2011
Once your variant has been retrieved and show up on screen. Because the variant we created is for fy 2010, assume that we are currently in fy we will need to change the fiscal year to After we changed the fiscal year, click on the execute clock.
If you oversee several departments and you want to see how much spent in some particular accounts, for example, supplies account, , in each department. You double click on Financial reports by Major, Sub Major Object.
You fill out program #, Funds Center, Commitment Item, fiscal year/period and Fiscal Year, and click execute clock. A report by major object will show up like the one in next slide. The procedure of how to fill out the information is the same like the one we discussed earlier
DepartmentsPROGRAM Supplies acct
Los Angeles Mission College This concludes this session of training of budget report Administrative Services Sr. Accountant Jerry Huang 2010