SEI 500 Competitive Success--
SEI 500 Entire Course For more classes visit SEI 500 Week 1 Individual Assignment Chapter One Summary
SEI 500 Competitive Success-- SEI 500 Week 1 Individual Assignment Chapter One Summary For more classes visit Write a 350-word summary of Ch. 1 of Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners.
SEI 500 Competitive Success-- SEI 500 Week 2 Team Assignment First Draft of Instructional Unit For more classes visit This week's team assignment, the Unit Plan Proposal, is merely a proposal. This project will evolve over the next few weeks, and I do not expect what you
SEI 500 Competitive Success-- SEI 500 Week 3 Individual Assignment SIOP Lesson Planning Sheet For more classes visit Attached is the planning sheet I'd like you to use for your individual SIOP lesson plan and the rubric I will use to grade the planning sheet. Please note
SEI 500 Competitive Success-- SEI 500 Week 4 Team Assignment Continuum of Strategies Paper For more classes visit Post one collaborative response. Attached is the rubric I will use to grade your Continuum of Strategies Paper.
SEI 500 Competitive Success-- SEI 500 Week 4 Team Assignment Revised Unit For more classes visit Submit a revised copy of your team's unit. Please make revisions based on the feedback you were given on your Unit Proposal and Individual Lesson
SEI 500 Competitive Success-- SEI 500 Week 5 Individual Assignment Final SIOP Lesson Plan For more classes visit Attached is the rubric I will use to grade the final version of your SIOP Lesson Plan. Please note that you must address all of the comments I made on
SEI 500 Competitive Success-- SEI 500 Week 5 Individual Assignment Vocabulary Game For more classes visit Create a game to teach vocabulary for a selected content area. Post a description of your game and the content area it relates to.
SEI 500 Competitive Success-- SEI 500 Week 6 Team Assignment Final Instructional Unit For more classes visit Learning Teams must submit their Final Unit Plan by Monday. Be sure that you've addressed all feedback given to you on your Revised Unit Plan.
SEI 500 Competitive Success-- SEI 500 Week 6 Team Assignment Unit Plan Presentation For more classes visit Learning Teams must submit their Unit Plan Presentation by Monday. Attached is the rubric I will use to grade your Unit Plan Presentation. Please let me
SEI 500 Competitive Success--