How To Troubleshoot Most Common Problems Of Kindle Paperwhite Model +1(800)
Today, we are going to discuss most common problems faced by Kindle Paper white users on their E-readers. There are quick solutions to some of these problems which we are going to discuss now. kindle Com Support
1.Ghost images on Kindle Paperwhite screen: This means the screen is either faded or text are not properly visibly even after changing the current page. If you ever come across this problem, then try refreshing the screen while reading a book. For this, press on the top of the screen and open toolbar. Click on Anywhere on the page. When you click on refresh, the screen will go black for a second. Now open the book and try reading it smoothly without strain on eyes.
2. Not able to connect to Wi-Fi automatically: Kindle Paper white, otherwise scans for available networks in its nearby place. If any network is found, it gets connected to it automatically. If any password is required, you will get a prompt message on the screen for the same. If you want to connect to the network manually, then follow the steps mentioned here as under:
Go to ‘Settings’. Click on ‘Networks’. Click on the network you are searching for and tap to finish the setup. If the network name you are searching for is not available in the scanned list, then you can click on ‘Other’. A dialog-box along with keyboard will appear on the screen.
Enter the name of network and password with the help of on-screen keyboard. Go to ‘Advanced’ option and click to enter the information pertaining to networks like IP address, security type, and connection type. Tap to connect to the network. kindle help
3. Battery draining quickly: On an average, the battery of paperwhite kindle model lasts for around week after complete charging provided you must read half-hour of reading in a day and level of light set at 10. If you are a voracious reader, then even the battery can last up to one week. If you are getting the problem with the battery, then it is due to unindexed content. You can check unindexed content from the settings menu. Under this menu, click on ‘Search’ and enter ‘Unindexed’ content.
4. Display items out of order: You can sort items on the screen according to Title, Author, and Downloads. If items are not displayed in this fashion, then you can try the below mentioned steps. Perform quick resync. Click on ‘Sync’ followed by items. Check your screen now. It will start displaying the content in right order.
5. Device not recognizing the password: If you are using a password to protect your Kindle from being used by the third person and getting the problem in unlocking the kindle with this password, then the following steps must be followed. You must ensure that you are using a right password to login to the Kindle.
Try using some variations in the password. Maybe you mistyped it initially. If you are using more than one Kindle at home, then check if you are entering the password for the right kindle or not. Amazon Kindle Support
6. Kindle Paperwhite not syncing with devices: With whispersync inbuilt feature, you can read books even on the computer and on a smartphone after syncing the Kindle with these devices. If you are not being able to read or open book on a smartphone, then you need to check the amazon server connection.
If the connection is properly established between Kindle and the server and you are still getting the problem, then you can check the sync settings from ‘Manage Kindle page’. Kindle Fire Support