Software by CustomSoft for Cake Shop
Objective: CustomSoft has developed Software to order cakes online from any shop. Software by CustomSoft for Cake Shop
How it works: It is a system that allows users to check for various cakes available at the online store and purchase online. The project consists of list of Cakes and bakery products displayed in various categories. The user may browse through these items as per categories. If the user likes a product he may add it to his shopping cart. He may even pay through a credit card or cash on delivery. Once the user makes a successful transaction he gets a copy of the shopping receipt on his id. Software by CustomSoft for Cake Shop
User has also option for ordering custom cakes according to their requirements like cake’s flavor, size, shape and so on. Thus the online Cake shopping project brings an entire cake shop online and makes it easy for both buyer and seller. Software by CustomSoft for Cake Shop
Features: Admin, User and guest login High resolution image upload Variety of options and shop details Product description like price, flavor, size etc Payment gateway Review, ratings and recommendations SMS and alerts Software by CustomSoft for Cake Shop
Advantages: Helps cake shops to automate bakery selling online. Time savings Multiple Options available Notifications and reminders to routine customers Software by CustomSoft for Cake Shop
CustomSoft a leading Software Development organization in India having expertise in customized software development for international clients from U.S.A, U.K. Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa and so on.. CustomSoft has successfully deployed multiple projects in PHP, Android, Iphone, Delphi and other latest technologies. CustomSoft has dedicated team of developers to continual support. CustomSoft is providing high-quality, cost effective custom software developmenst and many business related outsourcing services to industries and enterprises around world. CustomSoft is custom offshore software outsourcing company with expertise in outsourced product development & enterprise application development services. About CustomSoft
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