Reproductive Problems in Men: What is POIS?


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Presentation transcript:

Reproductive Problems in Men: What is POIS?

All the sensual activity leading up to a release of reproductive fluid usually leaves a man feeling satisfied, contented and a little tired after the big event finally occurs, especially if a guy practices proper male organ care and keeps his equipment in good working order. But not every man feels so good after this release. As a matter of fact, some men suffer from a rare reproductive problem called POIS that makes them feel downright bad.

About POIS POIS was first diagnosed in 2002, and since that time the medical literature has reported 50 cases of it. However, there have been few actual studies of POIS, and so the exact number of cases and how common it may be are unknown at this time. Although considered a rare disorder, it is also likely under-reported. So while it’s doubtful it will ever be classified as “common,” it is likely that there are more men out there suffering from it than is currently known.

Flu So what is POIS, then? It’s a condition in which a man comes – either through solo play or with a partner – and soon thereafter experiences symptoms that are usually similar to those of the flu. These symptoms may start up within a few minutes of coming or may not occur for a few hours. The duration is unpredictable, with some cases going away relatively quickly and others lasting for up to a week.

Symptoms The symptoms commonly associated with POIS include extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, fever, sweatiness and/or chills, itchy eyes, mood disturbances and irritability. There may be cognitive disturbances, as well. These may take the form of difficulty concentrating and remembering things, as well as problems speaking coherently. In some men, POIS begins in puberty and is called primary POIS. If it starts later in life, it is considered secondary POIS. As mentioned, there are few studies involving POIS, but case reports do indicate that men with POIS are much more likely to experience early on release on a regular basis, with time between penetration and coming typically a minute or less. The reason for this link is not known at this time.

Causes The cause or causes of POIS are not understood yet; however, in many cases it is hypothesized that POIS is an autoimmune disorder in which the body has an allergic reaction to semen. In autoimmune disorders, the body mistakes a natural component or function of the body for an alien entity and therefore creates antibodies to try to get rid of it. In one experiment, 33 POIS sufferers were pricked with a pin that contained their own semen; 29 of them experienced a negative skin reaction to this. This seems to support the autoimmune allergic reaction theory. Another theory is that chemical imbalances in the brain – which would occur after release – might be responsible for POIS.

POIS has thus far almost always been diagnosed in men; there have been very few cases of POIS in women, although it may be that there are more which have simply not been reported. At the time, there are no treatments, but scientists are experimenting with various protocols which may bear fruit in the future.

Fortunately, most men do not suffer from POIS – but they still need to keep their members healthy. Daily use of a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Look for a crème with L-arginine, which helps to boost nitric oxide production and thereby enables male organ blood vessels to expand and receive greater blood flows. The crème should also include vitamin A, the anti-bacterial properties of which can fight one of the causes of persistent and unappealing odor.male organ health creme