What Causes Your Pool Water to Turn Green.


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Presentation transcript:

What Causes Your Pool Water to Turn Green

Swimming pools are intended for delight and fun, which can only be achieved when the pool water is clean and clear.

However, it's similarly critical to keep it free from different germs and pollutants, and the most frequent problem that arises is the pool water turns green.

Even after getting your pool up and running, pulling out all of the leaves and dirt, it may look clear but by taking a close look, you will notice that the pool is green or cloudy.

Here are the main causes that are responsible for your pool water to turn green.

Causes of Green Water in Pools

When you will analyze the condition of the water in the pool, you will come to the point that there are mainly three causes of green pool water-- LACK OF CHLORINE POLLEN METALS

Lack of chlorine

When you find that your pool water has turned green, then first check the level of chlorine as it might be the reason behind the rapid growth of algae.

If there is less or no chlorine in the water, and in the presence of an algae bloom, the pool becomes unsafe to swim as well as acts as a breeding ground for germs and insects.

When there is a growth of algae, it will start growing on the pool walls and bottom first.

The green water caused by algae can be treated either by super-chlorination or algaecide.


Another common thing that causes pool water to look green is pollen that gets carried into the pool water by the wind and is not removed by the sand filter as it is very small.

And when the pollen builds up in the water and settles on the liner, the water looks either green or yellow.

However, unlike algae, pollen does not stick to the pool surface and one can easily differentiate because the pollen when disturbed, floats up like a cloud and the algae come up only when it is brushed.

The best way is adding a flocculant and till now it is the most effective treatment for removing pollen.


A leading cause of green water in pools is metals, especially copper, that have oxidized.

Generally, metals are introduced in the pool through source water, from some cheap algaecides, or from the metal components of the pool.

When the pool is shocked, then the metals present in the water gets oxidized and turn the water green.

Despite the color, the pool looks fairly clear and you can only detect the problem when a clear pool is shocked and still the water turns green.

The best way to treat a metal issue is to add a sequestrant to the water and the sequestrants will group the metal particles together and can be easily filtered out through the pool's filter.

In the end

A swimming pool needs to be regularly cleaned and maintained properly to control the growth of algae and be free of other pollutants like pollen and metals.

Otherwise, your pool water will become unhygienic for use and even the pool surface will get damaged and require frequent maintenance.