CMGT 520 Innovative
CMGT 520 Week 1 Macroeconomic Indicators Paper For more classes visit Resources: University Library Select two of the following countries and obtain your instructor's approval. (Send a private message to your instructor with your selection.) Albania, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, India, Ireland, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, South Korea, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Venezuela, Zimbabwe.
CMGT 520 Innovative CMGT 520 Week 2 International Trade Concepts Simulation For more classes visit Resources: University Library and the Applying International Trade Concepts simulation Access the Applying International Trade Concepts simulation. Discuss each individual team member’s results. Based on the collective experiences of the Learning Team members, what actions or variation on a given action would your team recommend to the president of Rodamia? Conduct research in the University Library and identify at least three peer- reviewed articles related to the issues in the simulation.
CMGT 520 Innovative CMGT 520 Week 3 Purchasing Power Parity Analysis For more classes visit Resources: EIU and other resources in the University Library, course textbooks, internet, and outside resources (e.g., public library). Locate the exchange rates, inflation rates, and relevant interest rates for the U.S. dollar and the euro from , as well as for the Chinese Yuan and the U.S. dollar from , using the EIU database located in the University Library. Write a 1,050- to 1,350- word paper using this information and research of relevant materials in the University Library.
CMGT 520 Innovative CMGT 520 Week 4 Knowledge Management Tool Kit Project, Parts A and B For more classes visit Resources: University Library, course textbooks, internet, and outside resources (e.g., public library). Complete the collecting of tools for the Table of Contents that you began in Week Two. This assignment will serve as master outline for the paper you will complete in Week Six. The Table of Contents will include a detailed description of the tools that you have chosen to utilize and an explanation of why you have chosen them. In addition, it should outline the topics and subtopics of the business problem or opportunity, which exists in a specific country that you will discuss in further detail in the Week Six paper.
CMGT 520 Innovative CMGT 520 Week 5 Taking Sides Is Free Economic Interchange Beneficial? For more classes visit Resource: Is Free Economic Interchange Beneficial? case study. Read the Is Free Economic Interchange Beneficial? case study from the student website. Assume sides as a team on whether free trade, and the globalization that results, is beneficial. Half the members of your team must take the side that the growth of economic globalization is unstoppable and that supporting growth is one of the best ways to improve global conditions. The other half of the team should take the side that multinational corporations.
CMGT 520 Innovative CMGT 520 Week 6 Knowledge Management Tool Kit Project, Part C For more classes visit Resource: Previous research and additional resources as appropriate. Be sure to vet your sources. Detail the problem or business opportunity and country that you selected earlier and discussed in Week Four. Using the Knowledge Management Tool Kit you began in Week Two and completed in Week Four, write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper demonstrating how the tools you have selected would be applied to solve that problem or to bring the business opportunity to fruition. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
CMGT 520 Innovative