STEP 1: You need to start from connecting the hardware.You need to unplug your modem from the power source. If you cannot remove the cable you can power it off from the wall.
STEP 2: You need to have two Ethernet cables with you.One to connect the modem to the router and another to router to your PC. The setup cannot be completed wirelessly.
STEP 3: Need to connect the modem to the wan port, this is the Ethernet port which is close to the power port on the back of your router. It will have different color than the four lan ports.
STEP 4: Connect the lan ports to your pc’s Ethernet port. It may be on the sides or back of your laptop and on the back of your desktop.
STEP 5: You can power on both the router and the modem. Also make sure that the pc is power on as well.
STEP 6: Check the light indicators on the router. You should check the power light, the wan light and the lan light.
STEP 7: You can use any of your web browser on the computer that’s connected to the router. And enter the IP address of your device into the address bar which will prompt you to login to your router by entering the username and password for that.
STEP 8: Now you have to perform the first time setup select the setup wizard when you login for the very first time.Then click on launch internet connection wizard and click on next.
STEP 9 : You need to create an admin password for your router so that no one make any changes to your internet settings unless and until they would have the password.
STEP 10 : Select your internet connection type to dynamic IP address which would provide you with an IP address.
STEP 11: The setup wizard is complete now. You need to click the connect button to save your settings and reboot the router.
STEP 12: Creating a wireless network. Enter the IP address into your browser of the computer connected t the router via Ethernet. Use the credentials to log in where the user name is still admin whereas the password is that you created when prompted to log in.
STEP 13 : Once you are logged in.Select the setup option and select wireless settings to make the changes.
STEP 14 : Check the ‘enable wireless’ box which will turn on the wireless network once settings are saved. Then enter the name for your network which will be visible when you want to connect your device wirelessly.
STEP 15 : Select the security type as per the security that you want to provide to your network.”WPA 2” being used most for a home network.
STEP 16 : Create a strong password that would not allow anybody to get the access to your devices or internet settings unless and until they don’t have the password.It could be any combination of alphanumeric or special characters possible minimum of 8 characters are required.
STEP 17 : Select the save settings option to save all the settings.It will take about a minute to complete the setup.Then you will see the name of the network that you created visible on your wireless list.