When you Change the Transmission Fluid of your Car


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Presentation transcript:

The transmission fluid is the important part used to maintain the car performance, lubricate the components and inner surfaces of the transmission system.

You need to change the transmission fluid of your car on every 30,000 miles or every year to avoid the measure issues.

When the transmission fluid of your car provides some unusual signs, then you may need to perform the transmission fluid flush more frequently.

If you find any types of unusual symptoms, then it's better to consult with a mechanic regarding your fluid change.

Here are the signs that can indicate the car owner's that it's the time of their transmission fluid change:

The grinding or squealing noise is the most annoying noise that can indicate a more serious problem beneath your hood.

If you hear the grinding or squealing, then pull over your car as soon as possible and check the transmission fluid level when the engine is still running.

When you check the transmission fluid also note the color of the fluid. If the color is other than bright red, then you need a transmission fluid change.

It never matters whether you drive an automatic or manual transmission car, both of them need gear changes.

If you have an automatic transmission car then you may notice that while shifting the gears it seems to be hard.

Apart from the automatic transmission cars, in the manual transmission car you can feel physical difficulties to shift the gear into its desired position.

Sometimes, when you need to change the transmission oil of your car due to the dirty fluid, then it may surge forward or backward.

When you press the accelerator or brake of your car for no apparent reasons, then your car will be surging.

This arises due to the contaminants available in the fluid and prevents the consistent flow through the transmission system.

Sometimes the transmission fluid or the flow of oil in the transmission system are interrupted due to the grit and grime within the system.

Those grimes can interfere with the pressure level of your car that can keep the gears in their proper place.

These issues can cause the slip out of gears in the transmission system periodically without any warning.

Many times, the dirty transmission fluid in your car can cause a dealy to move your car after shifting the gears.

The delays while shifting the gears of your car also related to the fluid flow interruption in the transmission system.

When the movement of your car delay for a moment or several seconds or for a longer time can indicate high contamination of the transmission oil.

If you find out any of the issues in your car while driving it, then try to check the transmission system of your car carefully.

You can consult with a reputed mechanic to perform your transmission fluid change of your car to save your money and the headache.

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