Prism Seattle ➻ Profound, Lasting Change for the Good
I am honored that you found your way to my website. I hope we have the chance to meet in person soon. I want to build a bridge between us until that time in the future. Here is some information about me which you might find useful. Meet Mandy
Purpose & Ethics My purpose is to create profound, lasting change with others, enriching their lives. I believe my work aligns with the greater good of all living beings. Regarding ethics, I adhere to a very comprehensive Code of Ethics published by the Board which certifies me as a hypnotherapist (the International Board of Hypnotherapy). I also honor my own standard of Integrity, and live passionately by it.
Specialization My favorite thing to work on is the thing you want the most. I have experience working with a multitude of issues and goals, but these are areas of specialization for me. ➼ Optimize professional performance (business goals) ➼ Rediscover restful, restorative Sleep, 28-day program ➼ Overcome traumas / Forge bulletproof Self-esteem ➼ Create wealth and prosperity ➼ Discover the meaning of significant dreams ➼ Progress in your journey to self-actualization, and Achieve Your Potential Now.
We Provide Hypnotherapy Sessions For
Optimize Weight Hypnotherapy for weight loss requires a shift in lifestyle also, but a much more natural and enjoyable one. Weight loss hypnotherapy in my practice takes a two-pronged approach, utilizing your existing desire and enhancing your existing skills, in order to work with the pattern until retraining can happen – of behaviors (eating and movement habits) and of body (metabolism and systems). Not only is the approach natural, it’s rapid, transformative, gentle, comprehensive, profound, and ecologically sound.
Stop Smoking for Good The first word that I think of when I remember kicking smoking: Freedom. You might wonder, can stop smoking hypnotherapy work for me? There’s a simple way you can tell. Ask yourself if your smoking habit is more psychological (emotional) than it is physical. If the answer is yes, this modality can help your efforts to stop smoking for good. At a high level, here’s how: Any compulsion or automatic reaction we take on serves a purpose. Smoking is no different. I can assist you to meet the need that smoking currently meets, but in a more resourceful and healthy way. When we do that, the cigarette will lose all its pull, and the habit will melt away without difficulty or effort.
Anxiety & Stress Stress is natural and serves a purpose; it can help us be sharp when we need to be, by keeping our focus high. But when stress becomes chronic, it has a compounding effect that is impossible to ignore. Stress and anxiety can make it feel like the world is closing in around a person. Although chronic or pervasive stress and anxiety are commonly conceded as a “normal” byproduct of modern life, it is imperative to reject that idea. Such stress is a silent killer; it chips slowly away at physical health as the sympathetic nervous system is overworked. For our protection, safety and survival, we can’t get rid of stress completely — but your unique stress response is remarkably plastic; it’s mostly learned, and it’s adjustable. My expertise is to rapidly transform anxiety with natural and gentle tools — to aid others in gaining emotional control so they have more resources and all the power of choice.
Confidence A picture of confidence is easy to call to mind, but tough to copy. The tough fact is, when Confidence is the issue, it has a terrible way of keeping whatever it is we want most just beyond our grasp. I am here to confirm that the experience you are having is not fixed. Whatever feeling edges confidence out of your experience, it has a purpose, it has a positive intention for you, and it offers the breadcrumb trail for all that you desire. Confidence is fundamental to living an optimal life. When you are ready to take action and seize what’s rightfully yours now, it would be my honor to help you make the step
For Appointment ☏ (206) | Columbia Tower, 701 5th Ave, Floor 42, Seattle