Assignment Name:-Decision-Making & Process Submitted To:-Sir Fahad Maqbool Submitted By:-Zunera Latif Roll No: Registration No:-2017-GCUF Session : Class:-B.Ed. (1.5 year) Government College University Faisalabad
Introduction of Decision Making Definition Decision Decision Making Decision making Process Decision Making Process. Conclusion 2 Government College University Faisalabad
Decision making can be regarded as the mental processes resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternatives. Every decision making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action or an opinion of choice. 4 Government College University Faisalabad
What to eat in breakfast???? What to wear???? Government College University Faisalabad 5
Choosing a career Changing a job Government College University Faisalabad 6
In every situation you have to search for... Government College University Faisalabad
In general: “Decision making is the process of making a choice between a numbers of options and committing to a future course of actions”. 9 Government College University Faisalabad
Decision :- Making a choice from two or more alternative. Made up of a composite of information, data, facts and belief. Data by itself does not constitute useful information unless it is analyzed and processed. 10 Government College University Faisalabad
Decision Making:- The process of examining your possibilities and options, comparing them, and choosing a course of action. As defined by Baker et al in their 2001 study, “efficient decision-making involves a series of steps that require the input of information at different stages of the process, as well as a process for feedback”. 11 Government College University Faisalabad
Use in day-to-day decisions you make Can help you make good choices Businesses and individuals use the process as they chose the best uses for their limited resources Helps you identify and consider your various alternatives and their consequences before you make a final decision 12 Government College University Faisalabad
There are 8 steps of Decision Making: Identification of problem Identification of decision Criteria Allocating weight to criteria Develop alternatives Analysis of Alternatives Selection of alternatives Implementation of the best alternatives Evaluation of decision effectiveness 13 Government College University Faisalabad
14 Government College University Faisalabad
The decision-making process begins when a manager identifies the real problem. The accurate definition of the problem affects all the steps that follow, if the problem is inaccurately defined, every step in the decision-making process will be based on an incorrect starting point. One way that a manager can help determines the true problem separately from its symptoms. 15 Government College University Faisalabad
A problem is defined as a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs. Some cautions about problem identification include the following: ◦ 1.Make sure it’s a problem and not just a symptom of a problem. ◦ 2.Problem identification is subjective. ◦ 3.Discrepancies can be found by comparing current results with some standard. ◦ 4.Managers aren’t likely to characterize a discrepancy as a problem if they perceive that they don’t have the authority, information, or other resources needed to act on it. 16 Government College University Faisalabad
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Decision criteria are factors that are Important (relevant) To Resolving the problem. A.Costs that will be incurred(investment required) B.Risk likely to be encountered( chance of failure) C.Outcomes that are desired (growth of the firm) 18 Government College University Faisalabad
Decision criteria are factors that are important to resolving the problem: So the factors which are relevant in solving our problems are: 1. Salary 2. Opportunity to progress 3. Job Environment 4. Incentives 5. Facilities 6. Job securities 7. Location 8. Timings 19 Government College University Faisalabad
Decision criteria are not of equal importance: ◦ Assigning a weight to each item places the items in the correct priority order of their importance in the decision making. each possible solution must have features or cons and pros. A manager should score the criteria according to the need of the situation. 20 Government College University Faisalabad
as manager it is advised you select a viable alternative that could also resolve the problem. At this point we are just listing not evaluating the alternatives. 21 Government College University Faisalabad
Appraising each alternative strengths and weaknesses ◦ An alternative’s appraisal is based on its ability to resolve the issues identified in steps 2 and 3 22 Government College University Faisalabad
Choosing the best alternative or the one that scored the highest total in step Government College University Faisalabad
putting the decision into action by conveying into those affected and getting their commitment to it. 24 Government College University Faisalabad
evaluating the outcome or result of the decision to see if the problem was resolved. If the problem still persists, the managers should re- assess the problem and start over again. 25 Government College University Faisalabad
When it comes to making decisions, one should always weigh the positive and negative business consequences and should favor the positive outcomes. This avoids the possible losses to the organization and keeps the company running with a sustained growth. Sometimes, avoiding decision making seems easier; especially, when you get into a lot of confrontation after making the tough decision. But, making the decisions and accepting its consequences is the only way to stay in control of your corporate life and time. 26 Government College University Faisalabad
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