RCare is the leading German Education Consultancy in New Delhi. Providing outstanding services to the students to study in Germany for free since ABOUT US
Why Study Abroad? See the World Different Style of Education Take in a New Culture Hone Your Language Skills Career Opportunities Find New Interests
Is Education in Germany free?
Free Education in Germany The German government is one of the world’s biggest investors in research and development. It funds and supports a wide variety of universities and their research facilities
How does help you?
Our Services Counselling Honest and Ethical counselling is what we strongly believe in. At Rcare we give free unconditional counselling for any of our services. We even counsel on finance documents, after-expiry of visa, earning abroad, taking family with you and many hidden and complicated issues
Course Selection Selecting right course can change your life! With this intention, we always suggest best courses to our students to study abroad. As we always have the latest information on job prospects abroad, we help students to choose the right path for them
University Selection Rcare represents reputed Universities/Institutes in Germany. This gives students wide options to select their Universities/Institutions where they would like to pursue further studies in abroad. Universities and colleges abroad represented by us offer students a wide range of courses and options
Application And Documentation This being the first set of documents which a student offers to the university of choice, there cannot be any room for error. At Rcare, we do everything at our end to help ensure the application is carefully drafted and all necessary documents are presented well
Scholarship Assistance Some Institutes offer maximum scholarship to deserving students. Us being aware of the scholarships offered by different Institutes, we help the students to avail the best in this bargain
Bank Loan Assistance Foreign education needs good funds. We assist the students in availing the high-value education loan schemes of nationalized banks. A student can avail Student Loan up to the sum of Rs. 15 lacs on presenting the correct set of papers required by the bank to sanction such loans
Visa Interview Preparation Getting a visa could be tough, at times students are called for personal interviews. We brief and train the student about the questions they could be possibly asked. We conduct mock interviews at our end and make the student well versed for the interview
Pre Departure Briefings Once the visa is issued the student is very keen to proceed for his/her planned studies. At ROC we help them in the necessary areas of Health Insurance, Travel plans. Pick up at the destination. Staying at the college hostel is arranged if requested by the student
Our role doesn’t just get completed upon your admission But we act as your Local Guardian during your complete tenure. 871/16, 1st floor,East Park Road,Karolbagh, New Delhi,