Sydney - Capital New South Wales c.1800 Artist unknown Oil on canvas 1. Exhibition Learning Activity
Sydney Gazette & NSW Advertiser, vol.4, no September 1806 Printed on grocers wrapping paper due to paper shortage in the colony. 2.
Holey dollar and dump 1813 Metal 3.
Simeon Lord c.1830 Artist unknown Watercolour 4.
Mary Reibey c.1835 Artist unknown Watercolour on ivory 5.
Promissory Note, £1 Waterloo Warehouse c.1850 Printed 6.
Gas Explosion in George Street, Opposite Royal Hotel about 1878 [Hopkins & Alford Drapers, George Street] 9 July 1880 J Flynn Ink Wash Sketch 7.
George Street, Sydney 1883 Alfred Tischbauer Oil on canvas 8.
Woman selling fruit in street, Sydney c.1885 Arthur K. Syer Albumen Photoprint 9.
Old George St. Market, York St 1889 Walter Brookes Spong Watercolour 10.
Interior, New Queen Victoria Markets c.1899 Photoprint in album compiled by A.G Foster 11.
Catalogue, Fashion Edicts, Peapes and Co Printed 12.
Salesman with bicycle, Marcus Clark & Co. Ltd, Lismore, NSW c.1912 Copy negative 13.
Window display, State Shopping Block, Sydney c Hand coloured photoprint in album 14.
Save the Coupon c.1944 Printed Textile 15.
Meat Queue 1946 Max Dupain Silver gelatin photoprint 16.
Dealer promotion kit, National Washing Machine Month, Home Laundry Manufacturers Association of Australia. May 1959 Printed items 17.
Poster, Fathers Day Gifts: for Dad who Deserves the Best! First Sunday in Sept c.1960 Screenprint 18.
Suburban supermarket checkout c.1960 Unknown photographer Photoprint 19.
Interior, Strand Arcade, Sydney c.1973 Unknown photographer Photoprint 20.
Grocery packages and Cornetto display stand Printed cardboard 21.