ENG 230 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com


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Presentation transcript:

ENG 230 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com

ENG 230 WEEK 1 Quiz For more classes visit 1. (TCO 1) What is the exchange of oral, written, and nonverbal messages among people working to accomplish common tasks and goals? 2. (TCO 1) Maintaining candor, avoiding deception, keeping messages accurate, and maintaining consistent behavior are some guidelines for sustaining: 3. (TCO 1) Organizational structure, uncertainty, politics, and communication climate are elements of:

ENG 230 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 230 WEEK 3 Quiz For more classes visit 1. (TCO 3) What does it mean to create shared perspectives with an audience? 2. (TCO 3) What type of structural pattern of organization arranges the main points into a time-related sequence? 3. (TCO 3) In a cause and effect pattern, the message is organized around what? 4. (TCO 3) What type of presentation gives an account of the status quo? 6. (TCO 3) Informative presentations can work in persuasive ways if

ENG 230 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com