ENG 120 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com


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Presentation transcript:

ENG 120 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com

ENG 120 Week 1 Individual Assignment Elements of Literature and Workplace Themes Paper For more classes visit Select two readings from this week that you identify with. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that describes elements from the two readings chosen and how they relate to your own work experience. Include specific examples from the works you have selected and describe how they connect with your own work. See the detailed instructions, along with the outline and the rubric, posted in Course Materials

ENG 120 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 120 Week 2 Individual Assignment Poetry and the Work Environment Paper For more classes visit Select one of the readings from this week that you found interesting. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that identifies the following variety of perspectives: How do the individuals in the selected reading view their work? Are there any similarities or differences to the work described in the selected reading to your own employment? If you are not currently employed, compare it to a former job. If you have never been employed, think of someone’s job that you know.

ENG 120 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 120 Week 3 Assignment Literature and Values Outline For more classes visit Select a theme related to work as presented in the readings—for example joy, frustration, diversity, personal integrity, and social justice. Discuss the following in your Learning Team: Select at least four readings from the course, from at least two genres, that relate to your theme. Discuss how the works of literature help demonstrate your selected theme using specific examples from your selected readings.

ENG 120 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 120 Week 3 Individual Assignment Fiction and the Work Environment Paper For more classes visit Select one of the readings from this week that you found entertaining. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that identifies the following: What lesson or lessons did you learn from the selected reading? How do these individuals in the selected reading view their work? Are there any similarities or differences to the work described in the selected reading to your own employment? Describe perspectives of diversity, personal integrity, or social justice in the workplace that you think are present in the selected reading.

ENG 120 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 120 Week 4 Individual Assignment Essays and the Work Environment Paper For more classes visit Select your favorite and least favorite works from this week’s reading. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that identifies the following: Explain why you preferred one work over the other. How do the individuals in the selected reading view their work? Are there any similarities or differences to the work described in the selected reading to your own employment?

ENG 120 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 120 Week 5 Assignment Literature and Values Paper For more classes visit Literature and Values Paper Write a 2,650- to 3,000-word paper from your Learning Team discussion that includes the following: Select a theme related to work as presented in the readings—for example joy, frustration, diversity, personal integrity, and social justice.

ENG 120 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com