HCM 402 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com


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Presentation transcript:

HCM 402 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com

HCM 402 Module 1 Assignment 3 New Hire Orientation Program For more classes visit You are an HR specialist for a primary care facility. You have recently hired five new nurses to work at your facility. You have to develop a 30-minute employee orientation program for these new hires. Prepare in not more than four pages an outline of the program in the attached template. Explain the content and activities you want to cover in the orientation and give rationale to justify their inclusion. Identify two HR management competencies needed to successfully complete the orientation.

HCM 402 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HCM 402 Module 2 Assignment 2 Alcohol and Drug Abuse For more classes visit HCM 402 Module 2 Assignment 2 Alcohol and Drug Abuse

HCM 402 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HCM 402 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Employee Safety Handbook For more classes visit Scenario: You are a new HR specialist in a small hospital. The hospital has recently had an increase in accidents and work related incidents. The hospital administration has never had a full time HR specialist and is not sure where to begin to address this issue. One of the first tasks that you are to complete, is to create an employee safety handbook. The handbook will serve as a guide for employees on how they are to interact in a safe and productive work environment.

HCM 402 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HCM 402 Module 4 Assignment 2 to Mr Morrison (Pay Increase Demand) For more classes visit HCM 402 Module 4 Assignment 2 to Mr Morrison (Pay Increase Demand)

HCM 402 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HCM 402 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Diversity Office For more classes visit Shortly after the CNO (Chief Nurse Officer) completed her annual performance appraisal and salary evaluations, as required by the Joint Commission; you are confronted by a minority female RN that claims that her wages are substantially less than her male RN counterpart who is performing the exact same job in the oncology department. She feels as if she is being discriminated against. You realize you have no procedures in place to address these issues. Although minorities continue to be underrepresented within the healthcare workforce, your healthcare systems has continued to diversify with an increased number of ethnic and racial employees. You are aware that minorities and women will continue to comprise the highest percentage of new entrants into the labor force.

HCM 402 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com