Tips On Renewing Your Car Insurance Policy In Dubai
Why Renewing Insurance renewals are an important part of the car insurance process. Buying a car insurance policy is not all, you need to take good care of your car and also, you must renew your car insurance policy on time. In Dubai, insurance companies have warned motorists not to drive vehicles with an expired registration. Else they will not be able to claim insurance in case of accidents. Here is all you need to know about car insurance renewal in the UAE.
Right Time To Renew UAE provide cover for a 13 month period for car insurance policies. When you reach the 12’th month of your existing policy, most of the insurance company will send you the remainder for renewing your insurance policy. The extra month is a mandatory requirement as per UAE traffic laws. In the last, it’s your choice to renew it or look out for other options.
Documents Required For the renewal of your car insurance, you will be needing your: Passport Visa copy Emirates ID UAE driving license Car registration details
No Claim Discounts If you haven’t had any incidents and that ended up in a claim, then you are eligible for no claim discounts. It’s one of the benefit that you can get by being a good driver. The no claim certificate will be provided by your company car insurance which can lower the insurance premium on your new policy. company car insurance
Calculating The Premium The no claim discount will lower your premium. Like wise accidents resulting in claims in the past year may take you as a risky driver and this can lead increase your premium. You can lower your premiums by opting for a higher deductible/excess or even scaling down your policy by getting rid of extra covers such as roadside assistance, off-road cover etc.
Why Car Insurance Car insurance will keep you from the hefty fines, suspension of your license etc. Having only the minimum level of insurance means that you are leaving yourself open to a significant amount of risk. Hence choose the right type of insurance for you car. For car insurance in Dubai, visit: insurance/car-insurance insurance/car-insurance
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