+ Content Orientation Characteristics of CBT Traditional versus CBT Ten (10) Principles of CBT Role of the trainer Role of the trainee CBT Delivery Approach diagram Competencies Instructional facilities and resources Shop Lay-out The use of CBLM
+ Characteristics of CBT CBT is outcome-oriented CBT materials states what is expected of trainees in terms of performance, given conditions and to what standards. CBT is learning material- dependent Competency based assessment during and after training measures the performance of the trainee against the standard. During CBT, trainees are provided with immediate feedback
+ COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING TRADITIONAL APPROACHCBT APPROACH Instructors focus on managing instruction Trainers focus on managing learning Most students enter at about the same time Trainees enter various times throughout the year Students all cover the same materialDifferent trainees may be training for different occupations within th same program Trainees all proceed from one topic to the next at the same time Each trainee moves on to the next task only after mastering the task he/she is currently working The instructor controls the learning pace Each trainee progresses at his or her own pace All students are usually tested onceEach trainee is tested when ready to demonstrate mastery
+ Very little continuous feedback is given Immediate feedback is given to each trainee at critical points in the learning process Trainer is involved in teaching only one topic at a time The trainer must be able to answer questions on many different tasks each day Retesting is discouraged or not allowed at all Retesting is encouraged for mastery Materials, tools and supplies for only one topic are needed at a time The trainer must see that all materials needed for many tasks are readily available The number of trainees enrolled is max. Capacity at the start of the year and decline to half or less toward the end As vacancies are filled, trainees enrolment remains at maximum capacity all year long TRADITIONAL APPROACHCBT APPROACH
+ The program is usually closed down or shortened during the summer months The program usually operates year round The trainer controls the sequence in which topics will be covered If possible, trainees determine the sequence of tasks The evening program is usually separate and distinct from day program Day and evening programs both have access to all learning guides and resources Most instruction is delivered by or dependent upon the trainer The trainer must manage the use of a wide variety of instructional media and materials each day TRADITIONAL APPROACHCBT APPROACH
+ PRINCIPLES OF COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING SYSTEM 1. The training is based on curriculum. 2. Learning is modular. 3. Training delivery is self-paced. 4. Training is based on performed work. 5. Training materials are related to the competency standards and the curriculum modules. 6. Assessment is based on the collected evidence 7. Training is based both on and off the job components. 8. Allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL/TNA). 9. Training allows for multiple entry and exit. 10. Approved training programs are nationally accredited.
+ ROLE OF THE CBT TRAINER Team member Motivates trainees Manages learning Facilitator Solves problems Evaluates achievement Assists trainees Serves as a model Install confidence Interacts with trainees Accepts responsibilitie s
+ 1. May select what to learn and when to learn 2. Learn at their own rate 4.May choose how they want to learn 6.Decide when they are ready to perform 8. Responsible for what they learn 9. Help develop personalized prescription for learning 10. Compete against preset job standards 11. Know what to do to complete the program 7.Evaluate their own progress 12.Move freely in the workshop, or training center 5. Know that they will be graded on performance 14. Learn according to their interest, needs and abilities ROLE OF THE CBT TRAINEE 3. May request to receive credit for what they know
+ COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING Process Student enters program - Orientation -Role of Trainer/trainee -Administer RPL/TNA -Identify training -Organize learning Strategy Student selects competency and receive instructions - Administer Learning Agreement -Provide materials Introduce CBLM materials Use of Achievement/ Progress Report Review learning Package View multi- media Materials Use manuals Observe demonstration Practice skills in Workshop Receive assistance and feedback Instructor observes performance Students Attempts task Instructor observes performance Students rates own performance Satisfactorily performed competency Have enough competency been achieved? YES NO EXIT PROGRAM YES CBLM 1 CBLM 2 CBLM 3 CBLM 4...
+ EVALUATION SYSTEM Will be evaluated based on the collection of evidences of the performance of work. The trainee shall be evaluated on the ff: Attitude Self-checks Written Examination Task demonstration Institutional Assessment Final Grade: Competent, Not Yet Competent
+ SHOP LAY-OUT Laboratory and/or Lecture Area Lecture/Demo Room Learning Resource Center Circulation Area
+ 1m Facility/Space Requirement Size in metersArea in metersTotal Area in sq. meters Laboratory and/or Lecture Area 4 x 5m20sq. m 6m 8m
+ 5m Facility/Space Requirement Size in metersArea in metersTotal Area in sq. meters Lecture/Demo Room8x5m40sq.m
+ Facility/Space Requirement Size in metersArea in metersTotal Area in sq. meters Learning Resource Center 3x5m15sq.m 3m 5m
+ Circulation Desk 36sq.m Facility/Space Requirement Size in metersArea in metersTotal Area in sq. meters Circulation Area36sq.m
+ Competency-based Learning Materials Cover Introduction Reminders on how to use CBLM Module Content Module of Instruction Learning Experiences Information Sheet Self-Check Model Answer Task sheet Performance Criteria Checklist