Sore Male Organ Solutions: Some Common-sense Tips for Healing
It’s a no-brainer that guys need to avoid doing things that can result in a sore male organ. But not every guy really uses common sense the way that he should – and that is especially true where the manhood is involved. Often common sense tells men to behave one way for the sake of male organ health or to respect propriety or simply to avoid making a fool of oneself – but the member tells them something else. And too often the member wins. Nevertheless, following are a few common sense strategies to follow to help avoid a sore male organ. Ignore them at one’s own peril.
If it’s already sore, let it rest. What could exemplify common sense more? If a dude’s member is already sore and aching – and especially if it’s red and raw – then it needs to rest, plain and simple. And it needs to rest even if it suddenly perks up and gets firm and tumescent. The member is going to get excited because that’s it’s job and it’s what it does. The brain’s job is to convince the owner of the member that he needs to ignore the organ, even if it means a man feels momentarily sensually frustrated, it’s worth it because it means that sore male organ will heal more quickly and be back in prime shape that much sooner.
Use creme. One of the main causes of a sore male organ is engaging it in action without proper lubrication. Often, natural lubrication is sufficient, but many times it is not. This can be especially true when a man engages in extended self-pleasuring sessions. Even if he cremes up at the start, he may neglect to refresh the lubricant as it gets used up. All of the friction involved in sensual activity, whether partner-based or solo, can really do a number on the manhood. It’s worth taking the few moments needed to keep the manhood prepared.
Use a latex protection. Clearly, one cause of a sore male organ which a man really wants to avoid is a social disease. The problems that can result from a social disease go far beyond simple soreness. While a latex protection cannot guarantee 100% protection, it does bring down the odds of infection significantly. Yes, many guys find latex protections uncomfortable or find it difficult to find one that fits properly. That’s no excuse, when simply wearing one adds a much-needed layer of protection to the member. Dress appropriately. Often a sore male organ is very sensitive to the touch. Choose underwear that is going to respect the soreness. For example, sometimes the manhood doesn’t want to be constricted and so needs loose-fitting boxers. At other times, it needs support to alleviate soreness, in which case tight-fitting briefs or boxer briefs are a much better bet.
Stop. If a guy experiences male organ pain in the middle of an activity (such as sensual activity), he should simply stop what he is doing. He should explain to a partner (if one is present) that he has hurt his member and needs to take time to see if it is a serious injury. If it is, he should seek a doctor’s advice. If it is not, he needs to decide whether he should let the member rest for a period of time or whether he can resume the activity. (Most will resume, even with a sore male organ – so see the first bullet point above.)
Another common sense approach to a sore male organ: regularly use a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Those cremes with a combination of moisturizing agents, such as vitamin E and shea butter, are the best bet. The hydration of the male member skin can help relieve manhood soreness. The crème should also include L- carnitine, an ingredient which can help restore sensation when a sore male organ feels dull and de-sensitized.male organ health creme