ENG 494 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com
ENG 494 Week 1 Individual Assignment Option 2 Romantics of Our Time For more classes visit Option 2 Romantics of Our Time The paper applies Romantic concepts to our modern time. The paper focuses on a single aspect of the following topics: A major Romantic author, such as John Keats, Lord Byron, or Percy Bysshe Shelley
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 1 Individual Assignment The Romantic Period Option 1 The Response of the Romantics in Their Time For more classes visit Option 1 The Response of the Romantics in Their Time The paper develops specific answers to the following questions: Many possible forces can shape a society. Which forces is Romantic literature responding to? What answer or answers does Romantic literature offer regarding these forces? The paper focuses on a single aspect of the following topics: A major Romantic author, such as John Keats, Lord Byron, or Percy Bysshe Shelley
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 1 Individual Assignment The Romantic Period Option 3 Ask a Romantic For more classes visit ENG 494 Week 1 Individual Assignment Option 3 Ask a Romantic The paper reflects on how our modern world is the same as and different from the world of the Romantic period. The paper answers the following question: What would a Romantic say to our world regarding one of the following categories?
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 2 Individual Assignment Option 3 Victorian Continuity and Victorian Change For more classes visit Option 3: Victorian Continuity and Victorian Change The paper analyzes the relationship between change and continuity as viewed through the lens of Victorian poetry. The paper analyzes the poetry of one author or examines poems by more than one author to provide different interpretations of the relationship between continuity and change. The paper includes specific textual evidence as support.
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 2 Individual Assignment Victorian Poetry Option 1 Victorians and the Past For more classes visit Option 1 Victorians and the Past The paper discusses the cause and significance of Victorian poets’ focus on the past. The paper specifically addresses those aspects of Victorian society that led to the common focus on the past. The paper analyzes one specific work or examines several texts to generate a more general argument. The paper includes specific textual evidence as support. The paper may reference additional sources, but they are not required.
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 2 Individual Assignment Victorian Poetry Option 2: Victorian Poetry and Other Arts For more classes visit Option 2 Victorian Poetry and Other Arts The paper addresses the following questions: Why did Victorian poets comment on the world around them through themes involving other art forms? What motivated the poets to allude to the other art forms? What is the literary benefit of these allusions?
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Women’s Role Presentation For more classes visit The presentation focuses on the debate about women’s role in society during the Victorian age. The presentation summarizes the range of opinions about the role women should play in Victorian society as evidenced by the literature of the period. The presentation addresses the following: Explain the implication of the opinions.
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 3 Individual Assignment Option 1 The Divided Victorian Self For more classes visit Option 1 The Divided Victorian Self The paper analyzes the meaning of the theme of the divided self. The paper addresses the following questions: Why does the theme of the divided self occur during the Victorian age? What motivates characters to divide themselves? What elements of their division do characters control and which are beyond their control? Does the divided self reflect a divided society? How and why?
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 3 Individual Assignment Option 2 The Romantic Self Versus the Victorian Self For more classes visit Option 2 The Romantic Self Versus the Victorian Self The paper compares the self in Romantic prose to the self in Victorian literature and focuses on the meaning of the changes. The paper includes specific textual evidence from at least one Romantic work and at least two Victorian works as support. The paper may reference additional sources, but they are not required.
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 3 Individual Assignment Option 3 Who Am I Really? For more classes visit Option 3 Who Am I Really? The paper answers the question “Who am I really?” regarding the Victorians’ divided self. The paper takes a specific creative form, such as one of the following: The paper includes specific textual evidence from examples of Victorian prose other than Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray or The Importance of Being Earnest.
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 4 Individual Assignment Option 1 Author Comparison For more classes visit Option 1 Author Comparison The paper compares one author from the Modernist period with one from an earlier literary period. The paper addresses the following points: Determine how the Modernist writer’s work is new or different from the earlier author’s work. Discuss how the Modernist writer’s work represents social change in this period.
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 4 Individual Assignment Option 2 Signs of the Subconscious For more classes visit Option 2 Signs of the Subconscious The paper is 1,400 to 1,750 words in length. The paper analyzes the works of one or more Modernist authors for aspects of the subconscious. The paper addresses the following points: Identify passages in which the subconscious emerges and either influences or conflicts with other characters’ rational minds or the author’s rational mind.
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 5 Individual Assignment Option 1 For more classes visit ENG 494 Week 5 Individual Assignment Option 1
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 5 Individual Assignment Option 2 Postmodern Literature For more classes visit Option 2 Postmodern Literature The paper is 1,400 to 1,750 words in length. The paper explores the meaning of Postmodernism in British literature. The paper references at least two writers from the post–World War II period. The paper identifies elements of the text that explain the meaning of Postmodernism in British literature as well as elements of Modernism that illustrate how it differs from Postmodernism
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 5 Individual Assignment Option 3 What Happens Next? For more classes visit Option 3 What Happens Next? The paper explores the meaning of Postmodernism in British literature. The paper identifies what defines Postmodernism and then predicts what type of literature might follow. The paper includes specific textual evidence as support. The paper is 1,400 to 1,750 words in length. The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
ENG 494 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com ENG 494 Week 5 Individual Assignment Option 3 What Happens Next? For more classes visit Option 3 What Happens Next? The paper explores the meaning of Postmodernism in British literature. The paper identifies what defines Postmodernism and then predicts what type of literature might follow. The paper includes specific textual evidence as support. The paper is 1,400 to 1,750 words in length. The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
ENG 494 Innovative Education- -snaptutorial.com