HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com


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Presentation transcript:

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com

HSA 510 Week 1 Discussion Population and Individual Health Measures and Healthcare Costs For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 1 Discussion - "Population and Individual Health Measures and Healthcare Costs in the United States" Please respond to the following: From the first e-Activity, determine the most commonly used population and individual measures used in providing healthcare today. Examine the primary impact that these measures exert on the choices that consumers make in order to address their own healthcare needs. Justify your response.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 2 Discussion Health Demand, Elasticity, Principle and Agent in Determining Demand For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 2 Discussion - "Health Demand, Elasticity, Principle and Agent in Determining Demand for Medical Care" Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, compare the primary individual factors that influence demand, and explain the significant ways in which each affects the demand curve. Provide at least one (1) example of these factors to support your rationale.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 3 Discussion Healthcare Factors behind Cost Curve and Supply Curve Shifts For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 3 Discussion - "Healthcare Factors behind Cost Curve and Supply Curve Shifts" Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, compare the healthcare-based factors in the issues that you reviewed that, in your opinion, cause the cost curve of healthcare to shift. Provide at least one (1) example showing the manner in which the cost curve shifts in your response. Suggest at least three (3) attributes that cause the supply curve in healthcare to fluctuate. Provide specific examples of each of the suggested attributes to support your response.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 4 Assignment 1 Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Healthcare For more classes visit Assignment 1: Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Healthcare Due Week 4 and worth 200 points Select at least five (5) economic concepts covered in the first four weeks’ readings, and discuss the primary manner in which these concepts impact the world of health care economics. Some examples of selected concepts are health demand and supply, elasticity, resources, health measures, and costs. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 4 Discussion Capitation, Payers, and Provider Behavior For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 4 Discussion - "Capitation, Payers, and Provider Behavior" Please respond to the following: Suggest at least one (1) method by which capitation rates are set for health maintenance organizations in Medicare. Provide one (1) example of an HMO with these types of set rates in order to support your response.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 5 Discussion Competitive Markets, Price, Quality, and Monopoly For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 5 Discussion - "Competitive Markets, Price, Quality, and Monopoly" Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, analyze at least two (2) primary economic assumptions and examine their short- and long-term impact on promoting the competitive market model in the healthcare environment. Evaluate the fundamental reasons why price and utilization economic factors in the healthcare setting influence competitive market status in regard to supply and demand for health care services

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 6 Assignment 2 The Healthcare Market For more classes visit Assignment 2: The Healthcare Market Due Week 6 and worth 240 points Use the Internet or online database to research the current health care delivery structures—both private and public—within your state. Write a 6-8 page paper in which you: Analyze the current health care delivery structure in your state. Compare and contrast the major determinants of healthcare market power Analyze the main competitive forces in the your healthcare delivery system in your state, and compare the major factors that influence the fundamental manner in which these competitive forces determine prices, supply and demand, quality of care, consumerism,

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 6 Discussion Health Insurance and the Labor Market For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 6 Discussion - "Health Insurance and the Labor Market" Please respond to the following: Analyze the implications of adverse selection in insurance markets that contain information asymmetry and community ratings. Justify your response. Analyze the primary ways in which analysts may use a model of the labor market to explain wage and employment figures for healthcare workers. Propose the main ways in which health status affects workers’ compensation overall. Provide at least one (1) example the model in use to support your response.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 7 Discussion Economic Evaluation of Health and value Judgment and Evaluation For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 7 Discussion - "Economic Evaluation of Health and value Judgment and Evaluation" Please respond to the following: Evaluate the efficacy of major types of health clinical outcomes one can use in economic evaluation analysis. Provide at least one (1) example to support your response concerning clinical outcomes (e.g., infant mortality, average longevity, leading chronic disease, etc.) that one can use in order to conduct economic evaluation.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 8 Assignment 3 The Convergence of Healthcare Financing and Economic Trends and Forces For more classes visit Assignment 3: The Convergence of Healthcare Financing and Economic Trends and Forces Due Week 8 and worth 100 points Note: Use the textbook, course readings, online library, and other reputable online sources to complete this assignment. Prepare a fifteen to twenty (15 to 20) slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed scholarly speaker notes in which you:

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 8 Discussion Financing Healthcare and Public Health Insurance For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 8 Discussion - "Financing Healthcare and Public Health Insurance" Please respond to the following: Defend or critique the primary alternative sources of healthcare funding in the United States. Analyze the main effect on the resource owner of one (1) of the following means of financing healthcare: insurance premiums, tax subsidies, and mandated benefits. Provide at least one (1) example which illustrates the selected effect to support your response.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 9 Discussion Reform of Healthcare Market and Regulation and Antitrust Policy For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 9 Discussion - "Reform of Healthcare Market and Regulation and Antitrust Policy in Health Care" Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, synthesize the primary ways in which consumer and provider incentives work together to achieve cost reduction under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Provide at least one (1) example of such synthesis to support your response.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 10 Assignment 4 Current and Future Economic Issues Impacting Healthcare Sector For more classes visit Assignment 4: Current and Future Economic Issues Impacting Healthcare Sector Due Week 10 and worth 240 points Use the Internet or online databases to research five (5) of what you believe to be the most important and pressing economic issues that confront the United States healthcare industry today and will continue to do so into the next decade.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 10 Discussion Evolving Issues in Health Care For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 10 Discussion - "Evolving Issues in Health Care" Please respond to the following: Propose several current and future economic issues confronting and changing the healthcare system. Analyze the significant implications of the issues in question for market efficiency of the healthcare system. Provide a rationale for your response. Compare and contrast the U.S. health care delivery system relative to spending per capita and ranking of healthcare outcomes with the health care system of two (2) other countries. Provide at least one (1) aspect of the systems from each country selected to support your response.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com HSA 510 Week 11 Discussion Course Takeaway For more classes visit HSA 510 Week 11 Discussion - "Course Takeaway" Please responds to the following: Reflect upon three (3) aspects of the course that resonated for you. Describe the manner in which you have grown personally and professionally as a result of completing this course. From the e-Activity, compare and contrast the primary economic issues and policies both the Republican and Democrat parties address concerning the U.S. healthcare delivery system overall. Provide at least one (1) example of an economic and / or policy issue to support your response.

HSA 510 Competitive Success-- snaptutorial.com