Both School Counselors and Independent Consultants College counselors—both school counselors and independent consultants—can play a vital role helping you search your appropriate college. Especially, when it’s the time to apply and evaluate schools, both can help you making that all-important decision a little less stressful.
High School Counselors Each high school has at least one on-site college counselor to guide you through the process of finding and applying to colleges.
Navigate your high school’s processes for o Getting letters of recommendation from teachers o Completing the counselor letter of recommendation o Sending your official transcript to colleges Stay on top of selection processes and graduation requirements Research colleges and draft a list Select extracurricular activities Answer all your related queries Find for local scholarships Complete and submit your applications
Your high school college counselor can sure be an indispensable resource. As the studies suggest, the national average student-to-counselor ratio is 350:1. And if your high school is more populous with, say, more than 2,000 students, this ratio may be closer to 500:1 Based on the amount of time they get to spend with their school counselor in person, some students and their families decide to hire independent college counselors to delve deeper and help walk them through the admissions process.
Independent College Counselors An independent college counselor would work alongside the high school counselor to help you with all of the above, and furthermore:
Find the best-fit school for you based on perspectives like o size and location o professors and academics o access to practical learning o financial aids and ROI o quality of life on campus o campus culture Refine your college list and select which schools to focus on Create a personalized tailored admission strategy relevant to each school
Presenting yourself on your applications in a way that helps you stand out of the crowd Coach you and your family deeply through the process and keep college stress at bay Choose courses that will best represent your strengths Decide which financial aid package and offer of admission to accept
Conclusion Your school counselor may advise you on more than just college, independent counselors, on the other hand, spend all their time on college counseling and tend to work with fewer students to guide you in the best way possible.
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