Brain drain: Effect On National Development Submitted by:
Contents Introduction Causes of Brain Drain Push Factor Pull Factor Areas Affected By Brain Drain Major Sectors Facing Brain Drain Impact of Brain Drain Negative Positive Impact on Bangladesh Negative Positive Economical Social Solution Conclusion 2
Introduction & Causes of Brain drain, Areas & sectors affected in Bangladesh Nausad Ahmed Mridul ID:
Introduction Emigration of highly trained or qualified people from a particular country Known as “human capital flight” Loss of intellectual and technical personnel Emigrating from developing country to developed country. Ex- Engineers, medical personnel and scientists. 4
Causes of brain drain Seeking employment or higher paying jobs, political instability, and to seek a better quality of life. Causes of brain drain can be categorized into two factors. They are: 1.Push factors 2.Pull factors 5
Push Factors Unemployment Lower wages Poor leaving conditions Political instability Gender Discrimination 6
Pull Factors Employment opportunities Modern educational system Higher salary and income Better working environment Less gender discrimination 7
8 Areas Affected by Brain Drain in Bangladesh Conclusion: Countries Urban areas are suffering more from brain drain Source: Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature
Sectors Facing Brain Drain in Bangladesh Doctors Teachers Engineers Agricultural Researchers Conclusion: Countries vital sectors are suffering from brain drain 9 Source: Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature
Impacts & Negative Impacts of Brain drain Tasmina Afrin ID:
Impacts of Brain Drain Negative Impacts Positive Impacts Impacts of Brain Drain 11
Negative Impacts of Brain Drain Negative Impacts On Developing CountryOn Developed Country 12
Negative Impacts On Developing Country Shortage of skill and knowledge Misuse of state fund Home economy/situation remains underdevelopment Technology developed in home country is less popular than the one in developed country. Example: ‘Robot Ribo’ was developed in Bangladesh is lesser known than ‘Robot Sofia’ 13
Negative Impacts On Bangladesh 14 Nation without sufficient scholars Misuse of state fund Healthcare losing credibility Barrier in continuous development
Some cases of Negative Impact Every year 4000 educated person leaves Bangladesh Ottoman invasion of Egypt abducted 100,000 craftsman In USA nearly 16% doctors are Bangladeshi India lost revenue of $17 billion/year 15
Negative Impacts On Developed Country Having overabundance of skilled workers Less availability of jobs Loosing capital 16
Positive Impact of Brain Drain Sk. Shabbir Hussain ID:
Positive Impact 2 types of positive impact Personal Benefits of the Migrants Economic impact 18
Personal Benefits Better Living Better Education Better Income Social Status 19
Economical Impact Impact on the country migrants are migrating from Remittance Increase of per capita income Brain drain of a country = Brain gain of another Conclusion: High Remittance received at 2015 by the developing countries from the migrants 20 Source: Daily Star, 2016
Positive Economical Impact in Bangladesh Increase in remittance per year Reduction in the severity of poverty to some extent Money sent are invested in education, housing and health 21 Conclusion: Increase in Remittance received by Bangladesh Source: The Dhaka Tribune, 2017
Positive Social Impact on Bangladesh Improved quality of education Improved competitiveness in home country Development in rural areas Less Difference in social life between developed countries 22
Solution & Conclusion Kamrul Hassan Sajib ID:
Solution Educational Improved educational standard Better educational infrastructure More scopes for scientific research Motivation & awareness 24
Solution Environmental Promoting industrialization Higher wages & salaries Higher living standard Better working condition Political stability Intellectual freedom 25
Other Policies Tax Proposal Native professionals pay higher percent of income earning abroad Prohibition of nepotism & favoritism 26
Conclusion Brain drain has some devastating negative impact nationally along with some benefits. “There are more opportunities & challenges in developing Countries than developed countries” 27
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