Socrative Clone Script Polleverywhere Clone Script Mysurvey Clone Script polleverywhere-clone-script/


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Presentation transcript:

Socrative Clone Script Polleverywhere Clone Script Mysurvey Clone Script polleverywhere-clone-script/

Add subheading About The Script  The Online survey is most important for the success of the business. By knowing the customer satisfaction, helps you to get increased sales, targeted leads and achieve better business communication results.  Creating and managing the survey is not the easiest things.  So we developed Socrative Clone Script that helps to build your survey with several features of multiple question types such as test & assessments, quizzes, paid survey system, survey result system, and many more.Socrative Clone Script  Hence in Mysurvey Script you will get an accurate answer and profound analysis of the survey project.  A User can register to the site with the basic information and they can log in with a valid username and password.

About The Script  The dashboard of the Polleverywhere Clone Script consists of the total questions, total exam category, total exam, and total user.Polleverywhere Clone Script  The user can view the survey category with the base and subcategory wise. The major categories of our script are technology, PHP, Python, Java and more on.  We can add a number of categories in our Polleverywhere Script.  The website owner can add and customize various survey and able to add multiple questions to each survey accompanied by the short description, or relevant information and we can set a number of questions to each page.  In Mysurvey Clone Script, without any technical skills, the admin can handle and manage the survey category, subcategory, withdraw the request and move on.Mysurvey Clone Script

Add subheading Socrative Clone Script Polleverywhere Clone Script Mysurvey Clone Script

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