STRATEGIC LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT:SESSION PLAN 1.Learning and development defined 2.Elements of L&D 3.Components of L&D 4.Strategic L&D defined 5.Aims of strategic L&D 6.L&D strategies 7.Learning culture 8.Organizational learning strategies 9.Individual learning strategies
ELEMENTS OF L&D The elements of learning and development are: Learning Training Development Education
COMPONENTS OF L&D Organizational learning Training Learning and development Leadership & management development Self-directed learning E-learning Coaching and mentoring Formal on-the-job training Formal off-the-job training Knowledge management Individual learning and development Blended learning Workplace learning
STRATEGIC L&D DEFINED An approach to helping people to learn and develop which is concerned with how the organization’s goals will be achieved through its human resources by means of integrated L&D strategies, policies and practices
AIMS OF STRATEGIC L&D Strategic L&D aims to produce a coherent and comprehensive framework for developing people through the creation of a learning culture and the formulation of organizational and individual learning strategies
LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEFINED Learning and development is the process of ensuring that the organization has the knowledgeable, skilled and engaged workforce it needs
Learning and development strategies are the active components of an overall approach to strategic L&D They express the organization’s intentions on how learning and development activities will take place and provide guidance on how these activities should be planned and implemented L&D STRATEGIES
LEARNING CULTURE One in which learning is recognized by top management, line managers and employees generally as an essential organizational process to which they are committed and in which they engage continuously
ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING STRATEGIES Organizational learning strategies aim to improve organizational effectiveness through the development and acquisition of knowledge, understanding, insights, techniques and practices
INDIVIDUAL LEARNING STRATEGIES Individual learning comprises the processes and programmes used to ensure that individual employees acquire and develop the new knowledge, skills, capabilities, behaviours and attitudes required to perform their roles effectively and to develop their potential