MGT 402 Competitive Success/


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Presentation transcript:

MGT 402 Competitive Success/

MGT 402 Module 1 Assignment 3 Defining the Project Scope For more classes visit Review the project case. Determine the scope of the District 4 Production Warehouse Move project from the information provided in the case. Using the Project Scope Checklist, prepare a scope document for review and approval by the project sponsor prior to starting the project. Project Scope Checklist 1. Project objective

MGT 402 Competitive Success/ MGT 402 Module 2 Assignment 2 Project Team and Stakeholder Management For more classes visit Read the project case for this assignment. As the project manager for the District 4 Warehouse Move project, you will need to determine who your stakeholders and project team members are for this project. Remember that anyone connected to the project who has an interest or stake in the project should be considered as a stakeholder. This would include the project team, vendors and management among possible others.

MGT 402 Competitive Success/ MGT 402 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Project Planning – Developing the Project Plan and Determining Critical Path For more classes visit Using the District4WarehouseMove WBS.xls provided, create a project plan for the District 4 Warehouse Move project. Use the PDF document, Project Plan Check – District4Move, to check your work to be sure you have created your starting project plan correctly. ProjectLibre is required for this task. If you have not yet downloaded ProjectLibre, please click here and follow the directions to do so now.District4WarehouseMove WBS.xlsProject Plan Check – District4Moveclick here

MGT 402 Competitive Success/ MGT 402 Module 4 Assignment 2 Project Schedule Changes For more classes visit You have kicked off the District 4 Production Warehouse Move project, your contractors are in place and working on receiving the proper building permits. You originally were told the permits would only take 2 weeks to obtainbut the contractors are telling you it will now take 3 weeks. You need to build the additional week into your schedule for each permit that will be obtained. In addition, your framing and drywall contractors have just told you they are running late on their other jobs and can only release half their crew for your project. This will double their schedule. Build the extra time into your schedule by doubling the installation work timelines for both the framing and drywall.

MGT 402 Competitive Success/ MGT 402 Module 5 Assignment 2 LASA Project Planning Developing the Project Plan and Determining Critical Path For more classes visit 1. Using the District4WarehouseMove WBS.xls provided, create a Microsoft project plan for the District 4 Warehouse Move project. Use the PDF document, Project Plan Check – District4Move, to check your work to be sure you have created your starting project plan correctly. Microsoft Project is required for this task. If you have not yet downloaded OpenProj, please click here and follow the directions to do so now.District4WarehouseMove WBS.xlsProject Plan Check – District4Moveclick here

MGT 402 Competitive Success/