4 Causes of Damaged or Failed Speedometer in the Car


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Presentation transcript:

s 4 Causes of Damaged or Failed Speedometer in the Car

When you accelerate your car, the most frequent and easiest way to determine the speed of the car by going through the speedometer.

It is an instrument which provides the driver with an instantaneous reading of the speed of your car and how fast it was running.

The traditional speedometer has used the gears and wires for determining the speed of the car, while the modern cars have the speed sensors.

The faulty sensor, bad speedometer wiring or the malfunctioned speedometer problems can be solved by troubleshooting the speedometer.

Here are the given points define the causes that indicate that your car has a damaged or failed speedometer.

The speedometer gets malfunctioned, when the older car cables are broken. Those cables are mostly connects the transmission to the speedometer.

Now the modern cars are equipped with a speed sensor, that would crash and cease the transmit speed readings of the speedometer.

Apart from the malfunctioned speedometer, another serious problem is the faulty speedometer head that needs experts diagnosis.

The modern cars contain digital speed sensor which is used for measuring the speed of the car may malfunction and stop sending data to the car's computer.

When your car computer tried to calculate the road speed, it does not receive the information and result to check engine light comes on.

Replacing the speed sensor can solve this issue. If the check engine is off in the car and gives these signs, then it related to the cruise control system.

According to the radiator and diameters of the factory fitted tires of your car, the speedometer is calibrated.

If these determinants can modify means adding larger custom tires or of different dimensions, it can cause speedometer issues.

If the speedometer is not calibrated according to the rate of tires cover the ground, then the changes can show a faulty reading of the car.

The speedometer of your car are damaged when it does not settle on any particular types of reading and keep moving between the speeds.

It generally occurs due to the bad wiring, in case of a damaged cable system or due to a faulty speed sensor.

In these cases, you only need to change the wiring of the speedometer or the sensor which is re-calibrated to repair the problem.

Depending on the causes of the damaged speedometer, the related problems need a replacement job.

So, it's very important to take your car to a mechanic and perform the full diagnostic test before jumping to any conclusion for repair.