Who we are? ICEBERG is a Digital Advertising Agency specializing in Lead Generation, Performance Marketing & Branding. We deliver ROI driven results through SMS, , Search, Display & Social Media Channels. Having a strong foundation of the young & energetic team with more than 8 years of experience, we envision setting new benchmarks in the industry. We strive for client satisfaction by providing top-notch service and highest quality results that make a difference. Like the tip of an ICEBERG, we might seem small but down beneath we are 9 times of what it looks like at the surf
Mobile Marketing Performance Marketing Lead Generation Voice & Radio SMS & Marketing Web/social & Seo What we do?
Profession & Salary Age Qualification City & Circle Operator Contact Number ID 250 Million+ Profiled user base How we do?
30 million+ engaged customers People who have either purchased a product or shown interest through the channels we use. How we do?
1000+ Affiliate partners having capabilities of delivering 1 billion impressions per month ECOM Sports Automobile Tech Business & Finance Real Estate Entertainment Women Matrimony Portals Regional Job Portals News Travel Health & Lifestyle How we do?
With profiled database of 250 Million customers & 30 Million engaged users, you can precisely target the exact audience that suits your product or service. Pinpoint people who will take most interest in your products; Make intellectual conversations only with the potential customers generating higher ROI and of course, lesser SPAM! ICEBERG holds capability of generating more than leads per month across all verticals through SMS and channels How we do?
Women Professionals High Net worth Individuals Stock Market Traders Online Shoppers Frequent Fliers Credit Card Holders Cab Users Car owners CXO’s SME’s International Travellers DEMO TARGETING Inventory
Other targeting options – Tier 2 cities Operator Circles Rural Areas Geo-Targeting
Apart from the precise targeting and capabilities of reaching every corner of India What differentiates us even more?
Team of highly skilled & versatile professionals, with more than 8 years of experience in the industry. dedicated to their duties & responsibilities.
Our Clients
Testimonials We love the enthusiasm and dedication from each and every individual who are running the show for us. They are always open and flexible to understand our requirements. It’s been great working with Iceberg and we have never been disappointed on any edge. All the very best!! “ ’’ Kavya Madireddi, V.P. Marketing VBHC We have been working with Iceberg for last one year and the team has been very professional, courteous, and easy to work with. Always responded to e- mails quickly and provided consistent status reporting without being asked. I would definitely recommend to work with Iceberg for multiple advertising solutions “ ’’ Karan Singh, Renault India
Lets have a detailed discussion across the table & get more customers at your doorstep Ring a bell once you are ready for more!!! Mohit Singh M: | E: