LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com


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Presentation transcript:

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com

LEA 439 Week 1 Case Study – San Diego, CA For more classes visit Case Study – San Diego, CA. Read Chapter Twelve of Police Labor- Management Relations (Vol. I) and complete an analysis of the case study. Identify the issues that needed to be addressed and the negotiated resolution between police management and labor. How did this cooperation benefit the city and management? What was the impact for the officers and union membership? What

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 1 DQ 1 Spheres of Influence For more classes visit Spheres of Influence. Considering the “six spheres of influence”regarding community and governmental leaders that influence how law enforcement obtains their goals, identify the two most influential elements. What factors establish these elements as most influential? Why? ========================================

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 1 DQ 2 The Ability to Strike For more classes visit The Ability to Strike. Critically analyze the Boston Police Strike of 1919 and determine the reasons behind the failed organization of law enforcement labor unions. What significantly changed during the 1960’s that afforded law enforcement the opportunity to unionize? What factors of unionization remain diluted?

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 2 DQ 1 Labor-Management Relations For more classes visit Labor-Management Relations. Compare the labor-management relations between the United States, Canada, and Australia. Identify three major differences between each and provide your opinion on the effectiveness of each.

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 2 DQ 2 Confrontational vs. Cooperative Models For more classes visit Confrontational vs. Cooperative Models. Compare the confrontational and cooperative police labor-management models. What organizational circumstances are necessary for each model to be successful? What organizational or community situations make one model more appropriate than the other? Which model do you prefer?

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 3 DQ 2 Collective Bargaining For more classes visit Collective Bargaining. As collective bargaining regarding public employees pay, benefits, and pension obligations agreements have become a significant issue across the United States, complete a comparison of the three models of collective bargaining. In your analysis, identify which model(s) are more advantageous to either labor or management and why. How does the reduction of employee rights in several states affect law enforcement? What impact does the inability to strike have on the collective bargaining process?

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 3 DQ 1 Perils of the Police Chief For more classes visit Perils of the Police Chief. Identify the options that communities have regarding the influence, support, or removal of a politically appointed Police Chief. How influential can the community, labor union, or political leadership be in supporting a chief who is under fire by opposition supporters? Conduct research and cite an example that is not included in the assigned readings.

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 3 DQ 1 Perils of the Police Chief For more classes visit Perils of the Police Chief. Identify the options that communities have regarding the influence, support, or removal of a politically appointed Police Chief. How influential can the community, labor union, or political leadership be in supporting a chief who is under fire by opposition supporters? Conduct research and cite an example that is not included in the assigned readings.

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 4 Case Study – The Use of Interest-Based Problem Solving Method For more classes visit Case Study – The Use of Interest-Based Problem Solving Method. Using the Interest-Based Problem-Solving worksheet on pages of Police Labor- Management Relations (Vol. II), analyze one of three case studies located in Chapter Four. Review the selected case study from the standpoint of police management, and write a report to the City Council outlining the identified interests, possible options, and the reasoning to support one option over another

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 4 DQ 1 Interest-Based Problem Solving Method For more classes visit Interest-Based Problem Solving Method. Complete an analysis of the Interest-Based Problem-Solving Method. Describe how this method seeks to balance the needs of the parties involved (i.e., the community, political leaders, police management, and the police union). Are there limits to the application of this method within various types of negotiations? What, if any, are they?

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 4 DQ 2 Disarming the Political Grenade For more classes visit Disarming the Political Grenade. Analyze the political and social effects of racial profiling within law enforcement. Conduct research and find at least two scholarly resources on this topic. Then, conduct a brief comparative analysis between criminal profiling and racial profiling. Identify the concerns brought forward by the community and the American Civil Liberties Union (A.C.L.U.) regarding racial profiling. Provide your opinion on how law enforcement should allay these concerns.

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 5 DQ 1 Cooperation in Building Safer Communities For more classes visit Cooperation in Building Safer Communities. Briefly describe the four steps towards developing safer communities that police labor and management can take together. Identify and describe two or three difficulties that can be anticipated during implementation of this four-step process. How would you suggest enacting this process in a fiscally restrictive environment?

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com LEA 439 Week 5 DQ 2 Pay, Benefits, Pension Programs, and Effective Recruitment For more classes visit Pay, Benefits, Pension Programs, and Effective Recruitment. In light of recent political and public fallout regarding labor unions, discuss the actual and potential effects on police pay, benefits, and pension programs within a selected state of your choice. Additionally, explain two (2) current factors affecting recruitment, hiring, or retention and describe how these evolving issues will impact recruitment and hiring.

LEA 439 Enthusiastic Study/snaptutorial.com