Male Organ health and Diabetes: What are the Risks?
Lots of men deserve to be praised for the careful attention they pay to their male organ health. They wash their manhood regularly (with a gentle cleanser), air it out as needed, make sure it gets plenty of exercise, use a male organ health crème daily, and so on. But despite focusing so much attention on the manhood itself, guys can still develop male organ health issues due to conditions which, on the surface, don’t seem like they should have an impact on the manhood. Diabetes is one of those conditions.
About diabetes Diabetes is definitely not one of those obscure diseases that no one knows about. There are more than 30,000,000 people living with diabetes in the U.S. right now (and about 7,000,000 of them don’t know it). It’s the 7 th leading cause of death, playing a role in more than 250,000 deaths each year. And the annual cost of diabetes in America runs about $245 billion. Clearly, diabetes is a serious condition, one in which the body has a hard time managing its blood sugar (glucose) levels. Glucose provides energy for tissue and muscle cells and fuel for the brain. When those levels are not appropriate, there can be serious damage over the long term.
The male organ connection So how does diabetes impact the member? One way is by creating reproductive dysfunction. The process of getting hard involves the nerves in the body responding to a pleasurable feeling and the blood vessels in the organ receiving a large influx of blood, which fills spongy tissue in the shaft, allowing it to swell up and become rigid.
But diabetes can affect that process. When blood sugar is at an elevated level for too long a time, it can cause deterioration in the nerves. As a result, there is a lessening of the pleasurable sensations. This not only makes sensual contact less enjoyable, but it keeps the nerves from sending a strong signal to get the blood pumping. High sugar levels also cause damage to blood vessels, including those in the manhood. They are not able to expand as much as they need to in order to accommodate a great influx of blood. This can dampen both the firmness and the duration of tumescence.
Retrograde emission But reproductive dysfunction is not the only male organ health issue diabetes can create. In some cases, diabetes can contribute to a condition known as retrograde emission. In this condition, when a man comes, he does so with either no fluid or a very small volume of fluid shooting forth from the manhood. This is because diabetes damages a sphincter which “closes off” access to the bladder during emission. With the sphincter open, reproductive fluid flows into the bladder instead of out of the shaft and is later evacuated from the bladder during urination. Retrograde emission doesn’t decrease pleasure, but it does make it difficult for a man to sire a child.
Thrush Finally, diabetes can contribute to the development of thrush, a yeast infection, in men. Blood sugar from urine that dribbles onto the manhood helps the yeast infection develop. Thrush causes the glans to become swollen, red and sore; generates itchiness in the manhood; produces pain when urinating; and creates a powerful, unpleasant odor. Managing diabetes properly is crucial to maintaining proper male organ health – and to maintaining better overall health as well. Consulting with a doctor is crucial for proper diabetes management.
Some symptoms of diabetes-related male issues can be addressed by applying a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) regularly. A crème with vitamin A will have anti-bacterial properties that can help reduce the odor related to thrush. And one with L-arginine can help the body produce nitric oxide, which helps keep blood vessels open so that blood flow can improve.male organ health crème