HCM 2004 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com
HCM 2004 Week 1 Assignment 3 Case Study For more classes visit Considered different styles of leadership and identified the best style to address the issue with ES employees. Discussed how leaders/managers should address workplace issues based on specific styles of leadership. Identified intrinsic and extrinsic rewards that can motivate and increase productivity in the workplace. Mapped the motivational tools selected to the desired outcomes.
HCM 2004 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com HCM 2004 Week 2 Assignment 2 Human Resource Management and the Law For more classes visit List three issues and environmental forces facing human resource management in the health care setting today. Cite their impact and identify at least two current initiatives being used to overcome them.
HCM 2004 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com HCM 2004 Week 3 Assignment 2 Government and Private Insurance For more classes visit Identify and discuss the various types of private or social insurance available in and through your state and local government. Relate the application of social insurance to consumers based on their social and economic status using the profiles listed below. For which demographic(s) do gaps exist in your area? You can use the Internet and sites such as for statistical data by state to locate this information. Do you feel it's the government's role to provide health insurance for these individuals? Why? Support your answers with research and reasoning.
HCM 2004 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com HCM 2004 Week 4 Assignment 2 Change and Diversity For more classes visit Explained how changing demographics are impacting patients and providers in the health care industry. Described the impact of increased diversity in and around the health care industry. Used the Library and appropriate Internet sites along with concepts and ideas from the text to support findings and opinions. Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using the correct APA format.
HCM 2004 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com HCM 2004 Week 5 Assignment 2 Ethics of Walking Away For more classes visit Discussed the ethical and legal issues related to the case including the rights of providers and patients involved. Explained the role management would play in a legal and/or ethical situation. Incorporated concepts and ideas from chapter readings to support findings and opinions. Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using the correct APA format.
HCM 2004 Innovative Education--snaptutorial.com