CIS 375Competitive Success/


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Presentation transcript:

CIS 375Competitive Success/

CIS 375 All Assignments For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 2 Assignment 1 Multi-Touch Screens vs. Mouse-Driven Screens CIS 375 Week 3 Case Study 1 Using Technology as Experience Framework CIS 375 Week 5 Assignment 2 Massively Multiplayer Online Role- Playing Games (MMORPGs) CIS 375 Week 7 Assignment 3: Usability Evaluation

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 1 Discussion Kiosks For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 1 Discussion "Kiosks" Please respond to the following: When flying, airlines provide several methods of check-in. Check-in options are provided online, at the ticket counter (with a human), or kiosks. Use the Internet to locate airport kiosk page of one (1) major airline (such as United’s Airport Kiosk page). Describe the key

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 1-10 All Discussion Question For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 1 Discussion Kiosks CIS 375 Week 2 Discussion GPS Interaction and Cognitive Process CIS 375 Week 3 Discussion Social Media and Behavior Interaction CIS 375 Week 4 Discussion Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Drone Design

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 2 Assignment 1 Multi-Touch Screens vs. Mouse-Driven Screens For more course tutorials visit Assignment 1: Multi-Touch Screens vs. Mouse-Driven Screens Due Week 2 and worth 100 points The following resources may be helpful when completing this assignment. Norman, D. (2005). Human-centered design considered dangerous. Retrieved fromhttp://

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 2 Discussion GPS Interaction and Cognitive Process For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 2 Discussion "GPS Interaction and Cognitive Process" Please respond to the following: Imagine that you have been asked to design a GPS product that will have voice recognition and Bluetooth capability. Discuss and conceptualize a user interaction model. Predict two (2) problems that may arise in GPS products with voice recognition and Bluetooth capability.

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 3 Case Study 1 Using Technology as Experience Framework For more course tutorials visit Case Study 1: Using Technology as Experience Framework Due Week 3 and worth 50 points Download the case study titled, “Using the ‘Technology as Experience’ Framework,” from The user experience framework can help designers constrain and scope the user experience of a given system. The user experience framework also informs about the

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 3 Discussion Social Media and Behavior Interaction For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 3 Discussion "Social Media and Behavior Interaction" Please respond to the following: Interacting and communicating with other people is part of daily life. This includes face-to-face conversations, conversations over the phone or other mobile devices, and conversations through social media. Read the article titled, “Is social media ruining our kids’ social skills?”

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 4 Discussion Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Drone Design For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 4 Discussion "Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Drone Design" Please respond to the following: GUIs play an important role on how an end-user interacts with an operating system. Describe an instance where you did not have an intuitive experience with a GUI. Recommend the key areas that could have been improved. If you have only had intuitive experiences with GUIs,

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 5 Assignment 2 Massively Multiplayer Online Role- Playing Games (MMORPGs) For more course tutorials visit Assignment 2: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) Due Week 4 and worth 100 points In a virtual world (VW) of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), collaboration and communication are provided through the Internet between MMORPG-ready devices such as the Microsoft Xbox, and Sony PlayStation, and by using the Web browser.

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 5 Discussion Data Gathering For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 5 Discussion "Data Gathering" Please respond to the following: Online questionnaires enable companies to gather data from a large number of possible responders. For a web-based questionnaire, determine which response format would be the most effective. Provide a rationale for your response.

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 6 Discussion Data Analysis and Interaction Design For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 6 Discussion "Data Analysis and Interaction Design" Please respond to the following: The collection of usability data from consumers can come from a variety of format methods (i.e., a Website, text message, door-to- door, phone call, etc.). NVivo and Atlas are two (2) well-known data analysis tools described in the textbook. Determine which tool you prefer over the other and explain why.

CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 7 Assignment 3: Usability Evaluation For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 7 Assignment 3 Usability Evaluation Due Week 7 and worth 180 points This assignment requires that you create a free SurveyMonkey® or QuestionPro online questionnaire account. 1. Go to OR 2. Sign up for a free basic plan / account by following the instructions on the screen.

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CIS 375Competitive Success/ CIS 375 Week 9 Discussion Product Evaluation and Participants Consent For more course tutorials visit CIS 375 Week 9 Discussion "Product Evaluation and Participants Consent" Please respond to the following: Product evaluation is an important step to ensure that a product will meet the quality, features, and overall design that is acceptable to the consumer. Imagine that you are an evaluator for a new product. Describe common challenges that you will find in a controlled and in a natural e

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CIS 375Competitive Success/