Six Male Organ Function Tips to Improve Your Bedroom Game.


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Presentation transcript:

Six Male Organ Function Tips to Improve Your Bedroom Game

Even the best players are happy to find a way to improve their sensual activity game, and why not? Since a better sensual activity game means more enjoyment and pleasure, why not work to improve it? Clearly, proper male organ function and excellent male organ health are major components of any guy’s sensual activity game. So let’s take a look at some male organ function tips that players of every level need to be aware of.

Get some shut-eye. When focusing on male organ function, it’s easy to forget that the member is affected by general health issues – and one of the most important is adequate sleep. This can be especially hard for people with demanding jobs or who feel they want to sacrifice a little sleep so they can squeeze a little more activity into the mere 24 hours a day that they have. But lack of sleep will hit a guy in the sensual sack big time – so schedule enough time to get those zzz’s.

Watch the nutrition. Similarly, male organ function is directly related to diet. Sometimes it’s a short-term connection, as when eating greasy, acidic foods for dinner gives a guy heartburn, and that discomfort causes him to perform less than optimally. Sometimes it long-term, when a dude’s overall diet clogs his arteries, affects his heart function, and saps his stamina so that tumescence is weaker (or non-existent) and his ability to “go the distance” is impaired.

Use the creme. A lot of men think using lubricant is somehow not “manly.” That’s crazy – and it’s no excuse for not using it when self-stimulating, when it’s just the guy and his member all alone. Sensual activity, whether solo or partnered, is better when it’s properly “smooth.” Also, “dry” sensual activity can create rawness and soreness in the manhood, which has a big effect on male organ function.

Watch the booze, cut the smokes. No guy wants the dreaded “whiskey member,” a situation where too much alcohol makes a man go all limp. Drinking too much alcohol consistently can also create problems with blood vessels – and so can smoking, which also just does a bad number on the heart and lungs. If male organ function is important to a guy, the cigs need to go out the window and the booze needs to be kept to a decent level.

Exercise. The better shape a guy’s whole body is in, the better for his member. Strong arms help him maintain man-on-top positions. Stamina-building exercises help him keep up with his partner when they’re coming down the stretch. And cardio exercises mean the heart is healthy so that blood gets pumped throughout the body – including where it’s really needed for sensual activity, to the male organ blood vessels.

Watch the hot water. Taking a nice hot shower sounds like a good idea –but most men don’t know that hot water actually can dry out the skin. It removes the essential skin oils that help lock in moisturization. And dry manhoodskin not only doesn’t look appealing – it can be so tender that it impedes male organ function. So keep shower temperatures moderate.

Ramping up the sensual activity game through attention to male organ function is easier if a guy also maintains his male organ health. To do this, he should regularly apply a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes are going to contain two key ingredients, L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid which plays a role in nitric oxide production; this in turns helps male organ blood vessels to more readily open for increased blood flow. The latter is a neuroprotective ingredient which helps to maintain and protect manhood sensation which can otherwise be diminished due to rough use.male organ health creme