The CFE Exam is administered via computer and is available by download, or online using a web browser. The CFE Exam is a closed-book and closed-notes exam. The CFE Exam can be taken at a time convenient for you. The exam has a number of controls to ensure integrity and each exam is generated fro m a master database.
Before earning the CFE Credential, you are required to pass the CFE Exam. The CFE Exam tests yo ur knowledge of the four major areas that comprise the fraud examination body of knowledge: Fraud Prevention and Deterrence — tests your understanding of why people commit fraud and ways to p revent it. Topics covered in this section include crime causation, white-collar crime, occupational fraud, fraud preve ntion, fraud risk assessment, and the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics. Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes — tests your comprehension of the types of fraudulent financial transactions incurred in accounting records. To pass Financial Transactions & Fraud Schemes, you will be re quired to demonstrate knowledge of the following concepts: basic accounting and auditing theory, fraud schemes, in ternal controls to deter fraud and other auditing and accounting matters. Investigation — includes questions about interviewing, taking statements, obtaining information fr om public records, tracing illicit transactions, evaluating deception and report writing. Law — ensures your familiarity with the many legal ramifications of conducting fraud examination s, including criminal and civil law, rules of evidence, rights of the accused and accuser, and expert w itness matters.
The CFE Exam is administered via computer and is available by download, or online using a web brows er. The exam contains four sections. The CFE Exam is a closed-book and closed-notes exam. The CFE Exam can be taken at a time convenient for you. The exam has a number of controls to ensure integrity and each exam is generated from a master database. No two exams are exactly the same. To be eligible for the CFE Exam, you must be an ACFE member and have an approved CFE Exam application o n file. The CFE Exam you take will correspond with the year/edition you are using to study. For example, if you’re s tudying with the 2017 CFE Exam Prep Course, U.S. Edition, you will take the 2017 CFE Exam, U.S. Edition. A particular CFE Exam is only valid for a period of two years after the release date. For example, the 2017 CFE Exam, U.S. Edition will be valid until December If the study materials or exam you have are expir ed, we will provide you with the most current version of the exam.
________, one of the Fraud synonyms implies that deceiving so thorou ghly as to obscure the truth: A. Deceive B. Delude C. Mislead D. Beguile Answer: B CFE BraindumpsCFE Braindumps, CFE Questions Answers
Which of the following must be present for a fraud to exist? A. A material false statement B. Knowledge that the statement was false when it was uttered C. Reliance on the fast statement by the victim D. All of the above Answer: D CFE BraindumpsCFE Braindumps, CFE Questions Answers
A person is said to be in ________ act, when the business which he transa cts, or the money or property which he handles, is not for his own benefit, but for another person: A. Fiduciary Capacity B. Embezzlement C. Conversion D. None of the above Answer: A CFE BraindumpsCFE Braindumps, CFE Questions Answers
The essential elements of a ________ are an actual or constructive ta king away of the goods or property of another with the without the co nsent and against the will of the owner and with a felonious intent. A. Larceny B. Abuse C. Fiduciary D. None of the above Answer: A CFE BraindumpsCFE Braindumps, CFE Questions Answers
Larceny by Fraud or deception means that: A. Creates or reinforce a false impression B. Fails to correct a false impression C. Fails to disclose a known lien, adverse claim or other legal impediment D. All of the above Answer: D CFE BraindumpsCFE Braindumps, CFE Questions Answers
CFE BraindumpsCFE Braindumps, CFE Questions Answers
CFE BraindumpsCFE Braindumps, CFE Questions Answers