MAT 106 Enthusiastic
MAT 106 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Linear Regression For more classes visit In this assignment, you will use a spreadsheet to examine pairs of variables, using the method of linear regression, to determine if there is any correlation between the variables. Afterwards, you will postulate whether this correlation reveals a causal relationship (and why).
MAT 106 Enthusiastic MAT 106 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Exponential Growth For more classes visit In Module 4, you were introduced to the concept of exponential functions that can be used to model growth and decay. Recall what you learned in The Number e lecture. In this exercise, you will use a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate the exponential growth of a population of your choosing. (If you use the linked spreadsheet below, it is recommended that you consider relatively small populations and not those of entire nations.)
MAT 106 Enthusiastic