MBA 6012 Enthusiastic
MBA 6012 Week 1 Assignment 3 Goods and Services For more classes visit What is the difference between the operations management chain for both goods and services? Is there a difference between the management of goods and services? Is there a difference between the production of goods and services?
MBA 6012 Enthusiastic MBA 6012 Week 2 Assignment 2 Forecasting For more classes visit Computed the forecasts for 3Q 2010, 4Q 2010, and 1Q 2011 Using the three quarter moving average.
MBA 6012 Enthusiastic MBA 6012 Week 3 Assignment 2 Product Design For more classes visit Analyzed and identified the layout needed to manufacture your computer. Examined and explained the types of processes needed to
MBA 6012 Enthusiastic MBA 6012 Week 4 Assignment 2 Total Quality Management For more classes visit Reviewed and analyzed the concepts and principles of TQM For their usefulness. Developed a crosswalk between TQM and the three leading
MBA 6012 Enthusiastic MBA 6012 Week 5 Assignment 2 Supply Chain Analysis or Product Design using Lean For more classes visit Reviewed and analyzed the designs of all three products from a lean perspective. Described the supply chains necessary to Source, Make, and Deliver the three products. Presented a structured document free of spelling and grammatical errors.
MBA 6012 Enthusiastic