HRM 546Competitive Success/
HRM 546 All Assignments (2 Set of Papers) For more classes visit HRM 546 Week 1 Advisory Memo Employment Issues (2 Papers) HRM 546 Week 2 Affirmative Action and Title VII Presentation (2 Papers) HRM 546 Week 3 Case Scenario Employment Discrimination Based on Race and Religion (2 Papers)
HRM 546Competitive Success/ HRM 546 Week 1 Advisory Memo Employment Issues (2 Papers) For more classes visit HRM 546 Week 1 Advisory Memo Employment Issues As a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm, your boss (Will N. Trusts) presents you with the following two scenarios: Scenario 1 Gary, an estate planner, works on a contract
HRM 546Competitive Success/ HRM 546 Week 2 Affirmative Action and Title VII Presentation (2 PPT) For more classes visit HRM 546 Week 2 Affirmative Action and Title VII Presentation “State of Estates” is a national estate planning firm with 2,500 employees in eight states. Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes for upper management at “State of Estates” to address the following areas: An overview of Title VII as applied to race and national origin discrimination
HRM 546Competitive Success/ HRM 546 Week 3 Case Scenario Employment Discrimination Based on Race and Religion (2 Papers) For more classes visit HRM 546 Week 3 Case Scenario Employment Discrimination Based on Race and Religion Resources: Employment Law for Business, Ch. 2, 3, 6, & 7, and case scenario provided by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Review the case scenario materials for “Religious Discrimination and Racial Harassment: What Ever Happened to MarShawnDeMur?”
HRM 546Competitive Success/ HRM 546 Week 3 Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Chart (2 Papers) For more classes visit HRM 546 Week 3 Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Chart Create a chart with rows and columns to establish the following requirements of discrimination under the law in the following areas at the top: Title VII Gender Discrimination in Employment Practices Sexual Harassment Based on Hostile Work Environment
HRM 546Competitive Success/ HRM 546 Week 4 Advisory Memo Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship (2 Papers) For more classes visit HRM 546 Week 4 Advisory Memo Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship Resources: Employment Law for Business, Ch. 2, 11, & 13 As a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm, your boss (Will N. Trusts) presents you with the following two scenarios: Scenario 1
HRM 546Competitive Success/ HRM 546 Week 4 Ways to Prevent Age Discrimination in Employment (2 PPT) For more classes visit HRM 546 Week 4 Ways to Prevent Age Discrimination in Employment “State of Estates” is a national estate planning firm with 2,500 employees in eight states. Research, as a team, three relevant court cases on age discrimination. Design a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes for the senior management team at “State of Estates” to train them on the following topics:
HRM 546Competitive Success/ HRM 546 Week 5 FMLA, Labor Laws, and OSHA (2 PPT) For more classes visit HRM 546 Week 5 FMLA, Labor Laws, and OSHA You are a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm. Norman is the mid-level manager responsible for the southern regional office. The following events have recently occurred in Norman’s office: Ken, an estate planner in Norman’s office, recently adopted a baby with his wife. He applied for 12-week
HRM 546Competitive Success/ HRM 546 Week 6 Employee Handbook (2 Papers) For more classes visit HRM 546 Week 6 Employee Handbook You are a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm. The firm is devising a new employee handbook. You have been asked to create two sections: 1. The Company Policy regarding Alcohol/Drug Testing 2. The Company Policy regarding Employer Monitoring of Employees Formulate these policies in a single document, reflecting an understanding of course materials and credible outside research.
HRM 546Competitive Success/