1 Vocoders. 2 The Channel Vocoder (analyzer) : The channel vocoder employs a bank of bandpass filters,  Each having a bandwidth between 100 HZ and 300.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Vocoders

2 The Channel Vocoder (analyzer) : The channel vocoder employs a bank of bandpass filters,  Each having a bandwidth between 100 HZ and 300 HZ.  Typically, linear phase FIR filter are used. The output of each filter is rectified and lowpass filtered.  The bandwidth of the lowpass filter is selected to match the time variations in the characteristics of the vocal tract. For measurement of the spectral magnitudes, a voicing detector and a pitch estimator are included in the speech analysis.

3 The Channel Vocoder (analyzer block diagram) : Bandpass Filter A/D Converter Lowpass Filter A/D Converter Lowpass Filter Rectifier Bandpass Filter Voicing detector Pitch detector Encoder S(n) To Channel

4 The Channel Vocoder (synthesizer) : At the receiver the signal samples are passed through D/A converters. The outputs of the D/As are multiplied by the voiced or unvoiced signal sources. The resulting signal are passed through bandpass filters. The outputs of the bandpass filters are summed to form the synthesized speech signal.

5 The Channel Vocoder (synthesizer block diagram) : D/A Converter Decoder D/A Converter Voicing Information Pitch period Pulse generator Random Noise generator Bandpass Filter Bandpass Filter Switch ∑ Outputspeech FromChannel

6 The Phase Vocoder : The phase vocoder is similar to the channel vocoder. However, instead of estimating the pitch, the phase vocoder estimates the phase derivative at the output of each filter. By coding and transmitting the phase derivative, this vocoder destroys the phase information.

7 The Phase Vocoder (analyzer block diagram) : Lowpass Filter Encoder Lowpass Filter Differentiator Differentiator Decimator Compute Short-term Magnitude And Phase Derivative ToChannel S(n) Short-term magnitude Short-term phase derivative

8 The Phase Vocoder ( synthesizer block diagram, kth channel) : Interpolator Decoder ∑ FromChannel Cos Integrator Interpolator Sin Decimate Short-term amplitude Decimate Short-term Phase derivative

9 The Formant Vocoder : The formant vocoder can be viewed as a type of channel vocoder that estimate the first three or four formants in a segment of speech. It is this information plus the pitch period that is encoded and transmitted to the receiver.

10 The Formant Vocoder : Example of formant:  (a) : The spectrogram of the utterance “day one” showing the pitch and the harmonic structure of speech.  (b) : A zoomed spectrogram of the fundamental and the second harmonic. (a) (b)

11 The Formant Vocoder (analyzer block diagram) : F3 F2 F1 Pitch And V/U Decoder F3 B3 F2 B2 F1 B1 V/U F0 Fk :The frequency of the kth formant Bk :The bandwidth of the kth formant InputSpeech

12 The Formant Vocoder ( synthesizer block diagram) : F3 F2 F1 Excitation Signal F3 B3 F2 B2 F1 B1 V/U F0 ∑

13 Linear Predictive Coding : The objective of LP analysis is to estimate parameters of an all-pole model of the vocal tract. Several methods have been devised for generating the excitation sequence for speech synthesizes. LPC-type of speech analysis and synthesis are differ primarily in the type of excitation signal that is generated for speech synthesis.

14 LPC 10 : This methods is called LPC-10 because of 10 coefficient are typically employed. LPC-10 partitions the speech into the 180 sample frame. Pitch and voicing decision are determined by using the AMDF and zero crossing measures.

15 Residual Excited LP Vocoder : Speech quality in speech quality can be improved at the expense of a higher bit rate by computing and transmitting a residual error, as done in the case of DPCM. One method is that the LPC model and excitation parameters are estimated from a frame of speech.

16 Residual Excited LP Vocoder : The speech is synthesized at the transmitter and subtracted from the original speech signal to form the residual error. The residual error is quantized, coded, and transmitted to the receiver At the receiver the signal is synthesized by adding the residual error to the signal generated from the model.

17 RELP RELP Block Diagram : Buffer And window LP analysis ∑ Encoder LP Synthesis model S(n) ToChannel Excitation parameters LPParameters

18 Code Excited LP : CELP is an analysis-by-synthesis method in which the excitation sequence is selected from a codebook of zero-mean Gaussian sequence. The bit rate of the CELP is 4800 bps.

19 CELP (analysis-by-synthesis coder) : Gaussian Excitation codebook Pitch Synthesis filter Spectral Envelope (LP) Synthesis filter ∑ Perceptual Weighting Filter W(z) Compute Energy of Error (square and sum ) Buffer and LP analysis Side information Gain LP parameters Speech samples Index of Excitation sequence + -

20 CELP (synthesizer) : FromChannel decoder Buffer And controller Gaussian Excitation codebook Pitch Synthesis filter LP Synthesis filter LP parameters, gain and pitch estimate updates

21 Vector Sum Excited LP : The VSELP coder and decoder basically differ in method by which the excitation sequence is formed. In next block diagram of the VSELP, there are three excitation source. One excitation is obtained from the pitch period state. The other two excitation source are obtained from two codebook.

22 Vector Sum Excited LP : The bit rate of the VSELP is about 8000 bps.  Bit allocations for 8000-bps VSELP Parameters Bits/5-ms Frame Bits/20ms 10 LPC coefficients - 38 Average speech energy - 5 Excitation codewords from two VSELP codebooks Gain parameters 8 32 Lag of pitch filter 7 28 Total

23 VSELP Decoder : Long-term Filter state Codebook 1 Codebook 2 ∑ Pitch synthesis filter Spectral post filter Spectral envelop (LP) synthesis filter Synthetic Speech