The pH stands for potential of hydrogen and is the measure of how many hydrogen (H+) ions are present in water.
The pH is measured using the pH scale where 7 is neutral, 0 is the most acidic, and 14 is the most basic or alkaline.
The pH scale is logarithmic and not linear which means that as you go from one number to the next you increase or decrease acidity by a factor of 10 and not one.
Total alkalinity of water is a measurement of how much acid the water can neutralize without changing the pH.
As things are added to the water that could raise or lower its pH, alkalinity will act as a buffer and prevent sudden shifts in pH.
The higher the ppm (parts per million), the more buffering ability the water has, and the less the pH will be affected by highly acidic or basic substances
There are four main things that pH will affect: - bather comfort, - water clarity, - chlorine efficiency, - and the longevity of the equipment.
Water with a pH of less than 7 will result in wear out of equipment and water with a pH of more than 7.8 can become cloudy, cause scaling on surfaces of pools and reduce chlorine's effectiveness
By keeping the pH in the ideal range of you will greatly reduce the red, irritated feeling eyes that many people experience when swimming in unbalanced pools.
The ideal range for total alkalinity is between ppm in pools, depending on the type of the pool.
Water with an alkalinity less than 80ppm won't be able to buffer acids well, leading to rapid fluctuations in pH and with an alkalinity higher than 150ppm, the water buffers more.
The pH of the water will raise despite pH reducers being added to the water, which can lead to the discomfort, cloudy water, chlorine inefficiency, and scaling.
Always adjust alkalinity before pH and wait between 2-3hrs for a pool after adjusting alkalinity before adding any other chemicals.
A balanced pH in the pool keeps your chlorine working effectively, keeping your water clear and getting a longer life from your equipment.