Unusual Red Male Organ Issues: What are Purpura, and What to Do About Them?


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Presentation transcript:

Unusual Red Male Organ Issues: What are Purpura, and What to Do About Them?

Presenting a handsome and attractive member to a partner or potential partner is a point of pride for most men. They want to exhibit their good male organ health as well as demonstrate that their good looks extend to behind their zipper as well. Sometimes, though, what they actually present can fall somewhat short of what they want to present. Often this is due to some transient issue, rather than a permanent problem. For example, if a guy is affected by purpura, this may result in a splotchy red male organ, rather than in a manhood with more evenly toned skin.

What is purpura? Sometimes called blood spots or skin hemorrhages, purpura refers to a situation which occurs when tiny blood vessels burst. When this occur, the blood in those vessels leaks out and forms little pools underneath the skin. This causes purple or red blotches to appear on the surface of the skin. Usually there are numerous blood spots in an area. The more spots, the more blood has escaped in that area. Typically, purpura are small, usually between 4 and 10 millimeters in diameter. When they are this size, they may be referred to as petechiae. When they are larger – about 1 cm in diameter, a doctor may call them ecchymoses.

Many people mistake purpura for a rash, which occurs when the skin itself has a reaction to something. But unlike most rashes, when a person presses on a purpura, it stays the same red or purple color, instead of lightening. Purpura can occur anywhere there are blood vessels, including the member and surrounding areas.

Causes Why do purpura appear, creating a red male organ or other body part? The ruptures that cause blood to flow out can often be the result of a person’s platelet count being too low. The platelets are the part of the blood that enable the blood to clot when there is a cut or other wound. When the platelet count is insufficient, bleeding or bruising can result. Sometimes platelets counts are too low because of a medical condition, such as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (an autoimmune disorder), cancer, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, or HIV. Sometimes chemotherapy can bring the situation about. And sometimes it can be a side effect of some medications.

In other instances, the purpura is unrelated to a diminished platelet count. In these cases, it may result from nutritional issues, especially a lack of vitamin C (also called scurvy). Sometimes steroids or sulfonamide tablets can be the culprit. And anything that affects the blood vessels, such as certain infectious or inflammatory diseases, can cause the ruptures.

Treatment Treatment depends upon the cause of the purpura, so getting an early diagnosis is a good idea; in other words, if a guy suspects his splotchy red male organ (or other body part) may be due to purpura, he should see a doctor. Often, the treatment involves building up the platelet count through use of various tablets. The length of treatment depends upon the cause and the severity of the purpura.

A red male organ because of purpura may take a little while to resolve, but in the meantime, it’s important to maintain overall male organ health. One way to help with this is via the regular use of a top drawer male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème with vitamin A which, in addition to its anti-aging properties for manhood skin, also helps to keep persistent male organ odor at bay. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant which fights excess free radicals. By doing so, it keeps the male member skin from succumbing to dangerous oxidative damage. male organ health creme