Sky Software Front Office System WARNING: Spark software is registered trademarks and is protected by copyright law and international treaties. The Sky Software Front Office System Software Module is designed to provide staff and management with an efficient tool to monitor and provide services to hotel guests and groups promptly and accurately. An optimized user interface, and a seamless operational integration with Centralized Billing, A/R provide an efficient and easy to use application module.
Technical Features: Multitasking & Multi-user Windows Application Solid & Flexible Database Engine (Microsoft SQL) Support Multiple Languages Including Arabic Language Flexible Reports Design & User Defined Reports (Crystal Reports) Multiple Currencies are Handled Graphical Reports are supported Interfaces with Telephone PABX, B/O and POS systems, and other systems Front Office System
FOS CORE MODULES 1. Front Office System 2. Setup System 3. Night Auditing MAJOR FEATURES Advanced Reservation Individual Reservations Company Reservations Group Reservations Reservations Forecast Yield Management System Reservation Confirmation Front Desk Operation Guest Arrivals Group Arrivals Auto Room Assignment Walk-in Room Move Guest Messages Guest Billing and Cashiering Paid outs Night Audit Automatic Room Charge Posting Automatic Fixed Charges Posting Nationality Statistics Market Segment Statistics Source of Business Statistics Manager Reports Revenue Reports Credit Limits Reports Cashier Summary Reports Payment Reports Corrections and Adjustments Reports Journal of Postings Reports Unlimited User Definable Reports Guest History Detailed and summarized history reports for Individual, Companies, Travel Agents, and Source. House Keeping OOO Rooms OOS Rooms Assigning Rooms Status (Clean or Dirty) Rate Management Rooms Types with the Rates and Rates Codes Yield and Forecast Management System: Yield and forecast related the reservation and the source of business On-Line bar and pie charts for the forecasts Optimizing the sales policies Front Office System
FOS - Index Front Desk – Group Arrival Front Desk – In House Guests Cashiering – Guest Billing Cashiering – General Posting Cashiering – Postings Journal Cashiering – Cashier Options Utilities – House Keeping Utilities – Out Of Order Utilities – Reports Utilities – Events Utilities – User Log Night Audit – Backup Night Audit – Night Audit Night Audit - Reports Main Screen File - Change Password File - Logout Reservation - Individual Reservation - Group Reservation – Profiles Profile - Main Profile - Statistical Profile – Financial Profile – Special Profile – Notes Profile – History Front Desk – Individual Arrival
A B C Main Screen The main screen consists of the following main parts: A: Menu Bar : which consist of the following menus, File, Reservation, Front Desk, Cashiering, Utilities, Night Audit and Help B: Tools Bar: a set of tools command C: Status Bar: this bar shows the system date and time, and user ID and cashier number if any Front Office System
File – Change Password This option is used to enable the current user to change his password Fields Explanation Old Password: user should enter the old password to assure that this user ID belongs to the current one New Password: new password, this field can be alphanumeric up to 20 Confirm Password: confirmation of the previous password File - Logout This option is used to enable the current user to logout temporary from the system or to enable another user to login, the form bellow will be loaded when chosen this option … Fields Explanation User ID: this field is a unique user identification given to the system users by the IT or systems supervisor Password: user password for security purposes and multi-users system Language: choose one of listed interface language. File – Exit To quit from the system Front Office System
Reservation – Individual This option loads the bellow screen, a list of already exist reservation Columns Header Explanation Rm#: Room number associated with the entire reservation R Type: Room Type (DBL, SNGL,…) Last Name: of the guest. First Name: of the guest. Arrival: arrival date of the current guest reservation Departure: the expected departure date for the current guest reservation #P: Number of PAX (persons) in this reservation #R: Number of room belongs to this reservation Travel Agent: the name of the travel agent associated with this reservation (if any) Company Group: the name of the company associated with this reservation (if any) Source: the name of the source associated with this reservation (if any). S: The status of the current reservation, this an alphanumeric field, to declare the reservation type, it could be I for checked in or X for canceled or N for no shows or 1,2,3… for reservation type i.e. definite, tentative,…. F: flag, this fields to indicate that there is message(s) or locater for the current guest. Front Office System
Reservation – Group This option loads the below screen, a list of already exist group reservation: Columns Header Explanation Rm#: Room number associated with the entire reservation R Type: Room Type (DBL, SNGL,…) Last Name: of the guest. First Name: of the guest. Arrival: arrival date of the current guest reservation Departure: the expected departure date for the current guest reservation #P: Number of PAX (persons) in this reservation #R: Number of room belongs to this reservation Travel Agent: the name of the travel agent associated with this reservation (if any) Company Group: the name of the company associated with this reservation (if any) Source: the name of the source associated with this reservation (if any). S: The status of the current reservation, this an alphanumeric field, to declare the reservation type, it could be I for checked in or X for canceled or N for no shows or 1,2,3… for reservation type i.e. definite, tentative,…. F: flag, this fields to indicate that there is message(s) or locater for the current guest. Front Office System
Profiles - Main This screen contains the guests main information such as name, address, passport info, total nights and revenue, … Front Office System
Front Desk – Individual Arrivals Arrival: to list all arrivals in a certain date Name / Room: search the entire screen / table by name or room no. Advance Search: more search options … press the down arrow Front Office System
Front Desk – Group Arrivals Same as described in the previous screen the only different with screen is that it deals with groups with a new option Group Check In … Front Office System
Front Desk – In-House Guests To list all in house guests, search can be done by name, room number, or arrival/departure date. Front Office System
Cashiering – Guest Billing User should his own password when chosen this option Single Bill The guest folio can be divided up to six separate bills for distrusting the postings among them, so the room charges can be on one, and food on the other, and so on,… the screen below shows the single form of the bill Tabs Explanation Show All Bills: to display all parts of the bill Transfer: to move the selected posting(s) into another window or room Split: to divide the selected posting into separate ones Print: to print out the entire folio Delete: to delete a certain posting(s) Select All: to choose all postings on the entire windows Unselect All: to un-choose all selected posting with previous option Front Office System
Cashiering – General Posting To insert posting to different rooms on the same screens … Fields Explanation Room #: the number of the room Post #: the number of the posting Description: the associated text with the posting Price: the price of the posted item Qty: the quantity of the item Amount: price multiplied by Qty Win: the desired windows to insert the posting into Supplement: cashier or employee name whom made the manual invoice Ref #: Reference Number: usually used for the number of the manually made invoice Front Office System
Cashiering – Cashiers Options Paid Deposit: Fields Explanation Post #: the number of the posting Description: the associated text with the posting Amount: price multiplied by Qty Supplement: cashier or employee name whom made the manual invoice Front Office System
Exchange Rate: This table shows all defined currencies and there exchange rates Fields Explanation Post #: guest name Curr. Abbrv: Currency Abbreviations Exch. Rate: Exchange Rate Sell Rate: Sell Rate for the currency PType: Post Type (FC for foreign currency, LC for Local currency..) Front Office System
Cashiering – Folio History To list all checked out folios on a certain date for viewing or re-printing purposes Front Office System
Utilities – Housekeeping This option enables the HK manger/supervisor to manipulate the rooms status Fields Explanation Room #: the number of the room Room Types: the room type Status: of the room CL for clean DI for Dirty HouseKeeping: room status Vacant or occupied from the view of the housekeeping dept. F/O: room status Vacant or occupied Command Buttons Enter (Change Status) : to change the status of the room between CL and DI (+) Change H/K: to change the status of the room between V for Vacant and O for occupied from the view of the housekeeping dept. Front Office System
In-House Guests:Reservations : Utilities – Reports Sales / Profiles: Postings / Financial: Front Office System
Statistical: Configuration: Reports Specials : Front Office System
Utilities – Events To add or view the list of defined events calendar, such as guests birthdays, public holidays Front Office System