Understanding The Ramifications Of Distracted Driving
With so much focus on drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs, most people overlook another serious on road problem which is distracted driving. With so much focus on drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs, most people overlook another serious on road problem which is distracted driving.
Traditionally, distracted driving meant engaging in tasks that compelled the driver to take their hands off the steering wheel or looking anywhere but at the road ahead while driving. Today, with the usage of cell phones everywhere, the use of cell phones while driving is also considered distracted driving. Even if your eyes are on the road and your hands are on the steering wheel, if your mind is somewhere else, you are at risk of an accident.
Being a responsible driver While most drivers understand the need to stay sober on the roads, they also need to understand that good drivers do not let their attention waver when on the road. That is why you need to eliminate anything that can distract you whether loud music or your cell phone in your dashboard. Since cell phones are a rather late development the law has grey areas. That said, it is considered a major offense to be distracted while driving with your cell phone.
Punishment If convicted of distracted driving, you can be fined or jailed, or face both. The maximum penalty in Maryland amounts to one year jail and fines of up to $5,000. If you have been arrested under any road safety violation law, you need to contact top criminal lawyers in Maryland immediately.
Speed is important because your lawyer needs to collect evidence before it is lost, and start the process of reviewing your case. Also, you want to ensure that your rights are protected, pending the trial.
Things to consider When your case comes up for hearing, the court will consider many factors. Your age would be one factor. Another factor would be your driving record. If you have no prior convictions, you would receive less punishment. Depending on how the court views your case, you can be fined a couple hundred dollars, or, for more serious offenses, you can be fined more.
It is important to understand that while drivers can engage in cell phone use if it is in the hands-free mode, any cell phone use while driving is prohibited for drivers under the age of 18. Among other types of punishment could be suspension of your driving license. For repeat offenses, the punishment is higher. It is important to understand that while drivers can engage in cell phone use if it is in the hands-free mode, any cell phone use while driving is prohibited for drivers under the age of 18. Among other types of punishment could be suspension of your driving license. For repeat offenses, the punishment is higher.
Apart from the age of the driver and frequency of the crime, another factor would be the damage caused by distracted driving. If your driving resulted in serious injuries or fatality on the road, the punishment can include jail time under Maryland criminal law. Apart from the age of the driver and frequency of the crime, another factor would be the damage caused by distracted driving. If your driving resulted in serious injuries or fatality on the road, the punishment can include jail time under Maryland criminal law.
Your attorney will represent you in court. Top criminal lawyers in Maryland will ensure that you do not offer any incriminating statement/s to the police or anyone else. Also, they will take you through the entire process, from the time of arrest to framing of charges and the trial.
It is important to ensure that your attorney has experience in representing people accused of driving offenses under Maryland criminal law. It is also important to look up advisories offered by the road safety authorities from time to time to ensure you are following all the laws and understand the latest driving regulations.Maryland criminal law It is important to ensure that your attorney has experience in representing people accused of driving offenses under Maryland criminal law. It is also important to look up advisories offered by the road safety authorities from time to time to ensure you are following all the laws and understand the latest driving regulations.Maryland criminal law
Contact Us: Address: 1801 McCormick Drive Suite 150 Largo, Maryland Phone no: (301) Fax : Address: 1801 McCormick Drive Suite 150 Largo, Maryland Phone no: (301) Fax :
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